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Spooky05 Apr 2022 7:18 p.m. PST

It appears that new users can start new topics but not reply in topics for 3 days?

Well I'm the kind of guy that doesn't accept defeat and I didn't want to be rude and not respond to your kind replies, so I've started a new topic, sorry if this clutters up the order of things.

Thanks Thresher01 and Whirlwind for your replies.

Ah yes firefight. It's in my storage at the moment and I do believe it differentiated between AKM and M16 but I can't recall if it did between A1 and A2 either.

Phoenix Command (also in my storage grrr) did definitely differentiate between A1 and A2, can't recall about 60/60E3. GURPS also does this with the statline for A1s in the GURPS HiTech module while the A2 statline appears in GURPS Special Ops. GURPS also considers semi armor piercing rounds like that designed for the A2 rifle, vs the A1 ammo. GURPS and PC are a little too dense for the tabletop I feel however.

I have Firepower in the mail coming to me and it looks like it might be a good candidate to convert into miniatures. I really like the chit pull system here over the activation in fire fight.

I'm hoping it either has unique stats for A2/AKM/E3 or I can write my own stats using their factors, extrapolating from the real world or one of the RPGs mentioned.

Hmmm, looks like I will inevitably have to do some Dr Frankenstein work to get exactly what I want.

Whirlwind06 Apr 2022 11:31 a.m. PST

Hi Spooky,

I didn't know that either, about replying!

I, erm, 'heartily concur' that Phoenix Command is a little too dense for the tabletop. It has been a long time but I have played this – IIRC, we went back to Recon quite quickly, it was just too complicated to actually play of an evening.

I checked the Firepower weapon lists: AKM is in a different category from M16, but no differentiation between M16A1 and M16A2, or M60 and M60E3. No reactive armour rules that I could see on a quick skim through, although I suppose that it may not have been a thing known about by the rules writers at the time of writing.

I suspect we have quite a different taste for detail in games but best of luck to you with your project!

Spooky10 Apr 2022 9:41 p.m. PST

Hi Whirlwind. Thanks man.

I pulled out Fire Fight (TTG) and Phoenix Command. Turns out FF has reactive armor rules (called "active armor".) and the LVPT-7 which tracks for AAV-7. I actually have an M60A1 with reactive armor in my USMC inventory and althouth RA isn't given for the M60A1 in the book it's fairly easy to port the rule across. It simply reduces penetration by factors depending on a dice roll and is presumably single use.

No M16A2 stats exist, I guess it was a fairly new weapon at the time of writing. I should be able to write this up myself, considering slightly more effect at longer ranges. The same for the M60E3.

Phoenix Command differentiates between M60 and M60E3 btw.

Anyway looks like Fire Fight is my ruleset and I can use it with minimal tweaking.

Now the campaign mechanics for the story of my squad of Marines is a different story. Thinking a mix of Platoon Forward and GURPS Mass Combat for resolution of the bigger picture around my band of Marines. A victory to my squad may help the outcomes of the larger picture in Mass Combat. Hmmm

Whirlwind11 Apr 2022 3:23 a.m. PST

Good luck with that. I quite like Firefight, interested to see how you get on. I have been considering using it for a 'Twilight 2000'-type campaign.

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