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"Looking for feedback on Crusader Army" Topic

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Korvessa28 Mar 2022 10:21 a.m. PST

So I am making a small (3rd) Crusader army for War & Conquest.
I have the figs, but haven't started painting them yet.
But I am having trouble deciding just how to make up the units.
Here is what I have so far:
a unit if medium infantry (spears, shields)
a unit of dismounted knights
a unit or two of archers

I have purchased 3 boxes from Fireforge
2 boxes of Templars (because Western Knights was out of stock) & 1 box of mounted sergeants. The sergeants are pretty straight forward; the question is how to do the knights?

I want to make one unit of Military Order and one unit of regular knights. The make-up of the two boxes means I have 12 barded horses & 12 without barding.

One thought was to make the templars straight from the box. so 6 Brothers on barded and 6 Templar sgts without barding. The other box would be similar western knights.

Another thought – mostly for variety – would be to combine the Templars & Hospitalers into one unit of 12. So there would be 3 Templars on Barded & 3 Templar sgts w/o and 3 Hosptalers on barded & 3 without.

Were they ever "brigaded" like that?

I guess I could do two units of six and make them separate – but smaller units. But units die quick when they are that small.

I know I don't want to have two full units of military orders – wouldn't feel right for the size of the force I am building.

Would appreciate any thoughts.

Well, besides the "it's your army do what you want" variety. As a soloist – I know that already – LOL

Perris0707 Supporting Member of TMP28 Mar 2022 11:41 a.m. PST

The Templars and Hospitallers were separate orders and did not fight under the other's command. I would pick one religious order and stick with that. Maybe you could do units of 6 Hospitallers and 6 Templars as you suggested and give them more staying power due to their morale, training, etc.- if you want both orders on the table for color. I think two units of 12 knights/sergeants would look nice with two smaller units of 6 Hospitallers and Templars personally.

Deucey Supporting Member of TMP31 Mar 2022 4:40 a.m. PST

I agree with the small elite units for military orders and the bigger crusader knight units.

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