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"Getting into modern with 1/285. Need help with rules." Topic

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The Shadow16 Mar 2022 11:33 a.m. PST

I'm going to start with GHQ NATO vs. Russians and i'd like to acquire a set of rules that are not heavy with detail, and will allow 1:1 battles. Tank oriented as much as possible, as I won't buy infantry to begin with.

Thanks in advance.

mad monkey 116 Mar 2022 12:14 p.m. PST

Seven Days to the Rhine. I play in 15mm and it's a hoot. You do need markers though and that could hinder the look of 1/285.

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP16 Mar 2022 2:40 p.m. PST

I love Fistful of Tows 3. I often teahc the game with just tanks and AT guns and it plays great. Then you can add in all the fun chrome – infantry, artillery, air etc.

Plus it covers everthign from WW1 to almost the present day and all the stats and army lists are included.

Micman Supporting Member of TMP16 Mar 2022 7:17 p.m. PST

I just picked up FFT3 and will be trying my first game next week. Note it is written for 5 to 1 but can be played 1 to 1.

Others that I have played and like are Fields of Fire, and Saber Squadron

Seven Days to the Rhine is on my list of ones to try.

Theron16 Mar 2022 11:29 p.m. PST

Team Yankee could be a good choice and should be easy to find other players. It's officially for 15mm scale but actually looks better (less crowded) in 1/285.

The Shadow17 Mar 2022 8:26 p.m. PST


Does the Team Yankee WW III rulebook have cards that I can copy. I'd like to do this in 1/285 scale, but i'd rather not have to shell out for Russian and U.S. cards.

Theron18 Mar 2022 11:56 a.m. PST

Yes the rule book has card images and lists for the basic US and Soviet forces in it. So you can play with just the rulebook.

Bandolier19 Mar 2022 5:57 p.m. PST

+1 Fistful of Tows 3

I will play Team Yankee. It's a good game.
FFT3 is my preference of the two.

The Shadow21 Mar 2022 7:31 a.m. PST

Thanks for all of your replies.

Oldgrumbler27 Aug 2022 7:39 p.m. PST

FFT is the obvious best choice. It is great for Tanks but bad for infantry battles

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