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Joe Legan11 Mar 2022 1:06 p.m. PST

Ran a mission with my 91st fighter squadron in Tunisia using Squadron Forward. They are equipped with P-39s so it is a bit different. Found here:



Just Jack Supporting Member of TMP14 Mar 2022 5:03 p.m. PST

Ha! Lucky indeed, Airacobras vs Me110s! But great stuff and a fun read, and a good day for the squadron, despite the loss of a B-25.

But let's talk about these rules; I always thought you were a 'Bag the Hun' man, but then I saw those cards lying all over the place. 'Down in Flames,' eh? Can't say I'm familiar. Did you do a blogpost on them, or can you tell me about them? I'm always on the lookout for more dogfighting rules.

Along those lines, are you familiar with Warlord's 'Blood Red Skies'? I have yet to play them, but I'm really digging them after reading and watching some videos on Youtube.


Joe Legan17 Mar 2022 7:04 a.m. PST

Yes I was a BTH man until I started looking at Blood Red Skies. I downloaded the rules and loved the concepts of "advantaged" and "neutral" but wanted a more granular combat system. Then I remembered a card game I played years back before I got into miniatures called Down in Flames. I wondered if I could expand the DIF concept to include miniatures and a more granular combat system that I created for BTH. My first attempts are here:
I have refined the system and love it! It is somewhat abstract but has all the elements that are important to me and plays very fast, normally 30 minutes. I have thought about writing it up by should contact Dan Verrisen first since it is a variant of his game.
I think Blood Red skies would be great but I think you have to buy additional cards plus their planes are 1/200 which is typical Warlord marketing. It would be easy to add a more granular combat system to it if you wanted too. I already had DIF so it was easier for me to work with that.


Just Jack Supporting Member of TMP18 Mar 2022 11:12 a.m. PST


Ahh, gotcha. I've really gone all in on Blood Red Skies, got tons of lying around but haven't painted a damn thing yet… Been reading up on Down in Flames, too, very interesting. I don't mind the 1/200 planes, they're very pretty, and I can play on my 6' x 4' table, which I don't mind for dogfighting at there's no terrain to lay down/pull up! ;)


Joe Legan18 Mar 2022 4:21 p.m. PST

Great, will be interested in what you think of it.


Just Jack Supporting Member of TMP19 Mar 2022 6:18 p.m. PST

Me too, just have to find some time to actually paint some of those bad boy up…


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