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"Thoughts on 15mm Sci-Fi Wargaming" Topic

4 Posts

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP26 Feb 2022 9:27 p.m. PST

"Sometime near the end of 2015, I was engaging in typical gaming magpie behaviour and looking around for something new to do. I was perusing the Ground Zero Games website for Full Thrust miniatures (a spaceship game I played years ago) and ended up browsing their 15mm range. One thing lead to another and before I knew it, I was a member of the 15mm Sci-Fi Gaming group on Facebook, learning about the wonderful world of 15mm Sci-Fi gaming (herefafter referred to as "15mm"). I opened Justplay in February of 2016 so my foray into the hobby went on hiatus, but I'm starting it again now in earnest. Whilst I'm at this point, I really wanted to get some thoughts down on interwebs paper about this underappreciated scale and everything that comes with it…"
More here


rvandusen Supporting Member of TMP01 Mar 2022 10:46 a.m. PST

15mm science fiction is great. My own forces have an
"East Bloc" vibe. I have infantry and a few APCs from various makers. I even have a mech or two. In my own universe mechs started out as police riot control vehicles and construction equipment that had been adapted for military use.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP01 Mar 2022 3:07 p.m. PST



infojunky31 May 2022 6:38 p.m. PST

Heh, he said forces… I have huge collection of characters figs in 15mm. Though there is a Hover based company FSE legionnaires in the as well as sever security and police units.

Mostly I play small unit or skirmish games, and pretty much based on Traveller. Thus i look for Character models and civilian vehicles.

My current project is matching the counter sets GDW and FASA related with their deck plans.

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