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"6-pounder sabot versus a Tiger" Topic

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Comments or corrections?

Warspite124 Feb 2022 7:59 p.m. PST

Not one of my photographs.
I actually run several groups on Flickr related to artillery and tanks.

A member called Radio53 found this Tiger in Germany in 2013. The round appears to have hit the 80mm side armour just above the bolt-on dust guard.


Meanwhile this footage:

YouTube link

dated August 8, 1944 shows US 57mm crews (i.e. the US version of the 6-pounder) clearly using sabot (APDS) ammunition. Watch the rounds being passed forward. Rounds two and four are clearly sabot.
Some books say the US never used sabot but these gunners are. There are also reports of US 57mm firing sabot during the Battle of the Bulge.


Blaubaer25 Feb 2022 3:19 a.m. PST

For me look that hit more like a hollow charge. Bazoka or Panzerfaust, maybe anti tank mine.
You can clear see the hollow charge detonation (big / round) and the hole by the hollow charge jet stream. Even the copper partikel in that punch hole are clear visible.

mkenny25 Feb 2022 4:26 a.m. PST

It is the Frankentiger and obvious 'recreation'. For starters the zimm is not original. So much about this Tiger is conflated with the current replica it is hard to know which is the Frakentiger and which is the replica. YouTube link

' .
How the replica of the replica was built

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