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"Forgotten Battles in Russia 1942: Volume 1." Topic

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Pyrrhic Victory15 Feb 2022 8:12 p.m. PST

Has anyone picked these up yet or any of the other War on the Ground scenario books? If so what is the quality of the scenarios?


Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP16 Feb 2022 4:30 a.m. PST

Like Ed, I'm interested in these too (but getting much more stingy about buying w/o more info these days). ;)

Marc33594 Supporting Member of TMP16 Feb 2022 5:15 a.m. PST

Also would like to see reviews on the War on the Ground rules.

Pyrrhic Victory16 Feb 2022 8:37 a.m. PST

I'd be much more willing to take a blind chance on any of these (or the rules themselves) if there were a PDF option, but at $39 USD plus shipping for the hard copy from OMM, I'm more hesitant

Pyrrhic Victory05 Mar 2022 10:20 a.m. PST

So, picked this up on a whim and am pleasantly surprised. Reasonable graphics, a nice range of scenarios and even a bibliography to see where these are coming from. Since the ground scale on the maps is 1:1000 (or 1" = 25.4m) they port to other games pretty easily.

I think enough of this that I'll probably pick up his other two scenario books on Sicily and Germany 1945.

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