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"A Small Exercise:" Topic

6 Posts

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1,217 hits since 12 Feb 2022
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

le Grande Quartier General Supporting Member of TMP12 Feb 2022 1:20 p.m. PST

Here is a quick exercise:
Compare the CNN article map of Russian Force Distribution around Ukraine to the Topographic map of Ukraine: If it were a wargame, how would you play the Russians? A Defense? Why do you think the dispositions on the map are as they are?
Article Map: link
Topographical Map:


79thPA Supporting Member of TMP12 Feb 2022 1:51 p.m. PST

The link doesn't work for me.

advocate12 Feb 2022 2:02 p.m. PST

Topography is useful, but where do the people live, are their any friendly elements, and what is the overall objective? Oh, and the link doesn't work.

Personal logo ColCampbell Supporting Member of TMP12 Feb 2022 6:12 p.m. PST

This may help to understand Robert's post.



Thresher0112 Feb 2022 6:23 p.m. PST

Seems to me they're planning on going direct to Kiev from the north, in order to seize the capital, along with perhaps attacks in other regions too.

Putin is spending an awful lot of money on military movements and "exercises" to be doing nothing, and sadly the USA is announcing it will do NOTHING to protect American citizens there.

Alas, I suspect Belarus is going along with the game under threat of having the same thing done to them if they don't cooperate, as a loyal ally of the regime.

MattW8718 Feb 2022 8:18 a.m. PST

@Thresher01 Putin wants a confrontation to validate his internal political narrative,so with US and NATO telling he won't get one, if he does invade then it'sgoing to hammer Putin's image. Internally, Russians don't want war, his generals don't particular want war, especially with another Slavic people. And given one of Putin's objectives is to keep his rating up, then he's in a difficult spot. So, topography is only a small factor in the larger strategic landscape. Also, dont forget Putin has a large airborne force he can utilise.

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