Benjamin Bierstedt from the Lone Star Historial Miniatures (LSHM) club of Texas ran a FOW Saturday this past weekend in San Antonio Texas, he provided the following…….Thank you to everyone who came out to Flames of War on Saturday! Got to teach several new players the game, and one even bought some US Paratrooper units before he left online! Even though I got my butt kicked, I still got to have a very fun game playing my Marines against Jacob using the Japanese.
Here is the battle report:
As the Marines dig in and prepare to hold the Japanese counterattack off, Japanese gun teams' range in on Marine and Army positions and prepare to fire. Soon, the fighting starts as Chi-Ha Kai's meet LVT's on the beach. While the Marines take one Chi-Ha out, the Japanese destroy the platoon with 47mm gun fire and Nikuhaku teams.
The Marine rifle platoon comes under heavy mortar fire while Japanese troops fire into their fox holes from the ridge next to them. The US troops begin to worry, as their air support seems to not show up when they need it most.
The Japanese gun fire takes out more Army Rifle Platoon troops as the charge begins on the right flank. The Japanese on the ridge to the left begin to sneak around the Marines and prepare to do a charge into their trenches, but it is disrupted when Marine M3 Stuarts show up to help. They throw fire into the jungle, forcing the Japanese to fall back, but not for long, as Japanese 47mm guns take out one M3 and draws the attention of another.
A flight of KI-43 planes strafes the poor Marines with cannon fire and bombs, failing to kill any tanks but killing several troops. Soon, Japanese troops charge out of the jungle on both flanks and jump into American trenches. Stabbing, slashing, and crushing US troops as they fall back off the objective. Chi-Ha Kai's bring the Army rifle platoon to no strength, just as the game ends on the 6th turn.
We might be moving the next game to the second Saturday in March due to the library not scheduling our event properly, I will keep you guys posted. Till next game!