TMP Historical Wargamers,
I am a retired US Army Officer who has worked 30+ years in the DOD Modeling, Simulation & Analysis community, who is interested in recruiting several 'Historically Minded Play Testers' to; a) Help identify the final system tweaks, b) Provide historical feedback and c) Conduct Play Testing of my NEW 'Historically Accurate' Napoleonic Miniatures Wargame System "COUP d'OEIL."
The "Coup d'Oeil" Napoleonic Warfare system will be the first professionally developed miniature wargame that was developed utilizing a host of DOD & US Army combat, battlefield, and human factor studies and reports that will enable Wargamers to assess "Their own Tabletop Performance" and compare it against the actual, known "Napoleonic Historical Record. No BS!
I am basically looking to immediately find about 6-12 local wargamers, who are willing to drive the distance from their homes (wherever that is?) to Detroit, Michigan where they will perform 'face to face' play testing at my home.
I'm hoping to start Play Testing by the end of February 2022 so, that Cd'O is ready for its next Public Wargame Convention Test at the "HAVOC XXXVI (2022)" Wargame Convention in Boston, MA., area scheduled for 8-10 April 2022.
Send me a personal email (via TMP) if you are interested in getting involved and helping me out.
James (aka: Analsim)