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"Wargamers' Guide to the Wars of the Roses?" Topic

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18 Jan 2022 9:58 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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    17 Jan 2022 3:00 p.m. PST
    17 Jan 2022 3:01 p.m. PST

18 Jan 2022 9:59 a.m. PST
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Warspite117 Jan 2022 4:00 p.m. PST

The success of Bills, Bows and Bloodshed 2.2 (36 copies sold so far at shows and online) has prompted me to consider writing another book – but serious research this time and not a rule book.

How many wargamers would be interested in a wargamers' guide to the Wars of the Roses – i.e. a book written by someone within the hobby and explaining the complex or contradictory issues of this period to other wargamers?

As some of you may be aware I am part-way there already with my retinues list here on TMP:
TMP link
which seeks to look at what weapons and troop types were available.

I also have a large photo library on Flickr:
which would give me a ready source of illustrations for any resulting book.

So… thoughts?
Would a wargamers' guide be welcomed?
Probably A4 format, probably 32 pages minimum, probably around £10.00 GBP plus postage.


Arcane Steve18 Jan 2022 5:13 a.m. PST

Hi Barry, Yes, I would be very interested in such a publication. You are probably aware that I use the 'Never Mind the Bill Hooks' rules set to game the period but like many in the hobby, find the period bewildering at times. A straight forward list of retinues and livery colours would be very useful. The Freezy water publications are very good. If you are able to come up with an 'easy wargamers guide' to the period, I think that it would be most welcome.

Warspite118 Jan 2022 7:49 a.m. PST

@Arcane Steve:
I started writing it today.
2000+ words so far but it will take time. I am expecting publication some time after September this year,

I should point out that the livery colours guide already exists (6 whole pages) in BBB2.2 already on e-bay.

I have even sampled part of one of the painting guide pages as one of the e-bay photographs.


nnascati Supporting Member of TMP18 Jan 2022 2:19 p.m. PST

Warspite, a friend of mine, like you not a supporting member, would like to contact you to discuss the Wars of the Roses. His name is John Parus.

Could you give me your email address please?

Warspite119 Jan 2022 3:34 a.m. PST


Not a problem.


Put a full stop where the dot goes and you are away!


Lieutenant Lockwood19 Jan 2022 5:42 p.m. PST

Yes, please!

Frostie20 Jan 2022 12:22 a.m. PST

Would love a 'uniform' and organisation guide please

Warspite120 Jan 2022 11:44 a.m. PST

The book is well under way. 4000 words + so far.

I am planning for 40 pages instead of the 32 pages I used for BBB 2.2. I have already reached out to a historical site to ask for photo permissions. The new book will be illustrated.


Warspite130 Jan 2022 5:31 p.m. PST

Working title now:

England's Livery Wars, a sourcebook for the Wars of the Roses.

Current word count is over 8,000.


Glorfindel77701 Feb 2022 10:51 a.m. PST

I would certainly be very interested in buying this guide.


Personal logo aegiscg47 Supporting Member of TMP02 Feb 2022 10:14 a.m. PST

Definitely interested.

Regicide164903 Feb 2022 2:07 p.m. PST

Yup, I'm in. I have a particular interest in Bosworth and the Pretenders (not the pop group)… if you could trouble yourself to go above and beyond.

MaleGriffin13 Jun 2022 10:58 a.m. PST

I'm late, but interested!

Uesugi Kenshin Supporting Member of TMP13 Jun 2022 1:46 p.m. PST

Pending the price, yep. I'm in.

Warspite113 Jun 2022 2:19 p.m. PST

I can confirm that it is very well advanced, 37 pages in A4 (as of today) and 35,000 + words. Projected publication is now end of August if matters continue at this rate.

See: link

Looks like it will run to at least 48 pages.

On Saturday I was at the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds and on Sunday I was, again, walking the battlefield at Towton thanks to my partner who arranged both events. She's lovely!


Deucey Supporting Member of TMP29 Oct 2023 10:01 a.m. PST

I'm down. I'm working on my Perry guys and would love this.

Please post a link when you publish.

MacColla05 Nov 2023 8:47 a.m. PST

Echo what Deucey said – please post a link when you publish this.

Deucey Supporting Member of TMP05 Nov 2023 8:27 p.m. PST

SOS. Please hurry with your printing. These livery questions are driving me nuts.

(I'm only half kidding)

Warspite106 Nov 2023 7:49 a.m. PST

The new book is stalled (on hiatus) due to a very bad turn of events in my private life. Worked ceased in January 2023 and I am only just looking at re-starting it. Current word count is 46,000+.

That is also the chief reason why I have been generally quiet on TMP.

Real life, it is the curse of the wargamer! :( :( :(

Apologies all around.


Deucey Supporting Member of TMP06 Nov 2023 8:13 a.m. PST

I pray your personal issues improve.

I truly appreciate all of your input on the subject that I found on this board!

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