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"Worst Perry figure" Topic

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45thdiv12 Jan 2022 3:19 a.m. PST

Everyone has their favorite figure/figures that were sculpted by the Perry twins. I love pretty much all their work.

This got me thinking about what is the worst sculpted figure by the Perrys? Are there any? Thoughts and pictures if you can.

Londonplod12 Jan 2022 4:11 a.m. PST

Some of the old Citadel Gangster range are a bit off, especially the kneeling police officer, firing some sort of sawn off bolt action shotgun/rifle! The Machinegun Kelly figure seems to be firing a Tommy gun that was inspired by a custard pie gun from Bugsy Malone.

martin goddard Sponsoring Member of TMP12 Jan 2022 5:15 a.m. PST

There are bad figures in existence but the Perry's work is superb. Their work is head and shoulders above many past ranges by other makers. It is odd to actively search for "worst".


Personal logo Artilleryman Supporting Member of TMP12 Jan 2022 5:21 a.m. PST

For me, the 'worst' Perry figure is one of the drivers in the separate French Napoleonic four horse train team for 1907 – 12. This has the potential to be such a useful set as with just the drivers and horses you can add it to almost anything. And yet…

While one rider is in a fairly neutral pose, the other is twisting around in his saddle to look sideways or back. This is such a distinctive pose that it really stands out when teams are massed together. Also, instead of the common crossed belt arrangement of the personal equipment they seem to be wearing the older waist belt sword belt. Finally, for some reason, there is no detail on the horses' halter collars. This seems odd as all the other figures they produce are so detailed.

I love Perry figures and the actual sculpt of these figures is up to the usual standard. I may (I am) just being a bit picky but it seems to have been an off day when these were made. (I will now run for my slit trench!)

45thdiv12 Jan 2022 8:04 a.m. PST

@martin. – I'm sorry, but you missed the point of the question. It is a question out of curiosity. All the sculptures are top notch minus a few.

Now, that said, the AWI single cast cavalry are very bad. They are so weak at the horses ankle that they break off the stands all the time. I also don't feel the sculptures are up to their prior AWI cavalry sculpts. I say this because the way the had to be sculpted for a single cast limits the dynamic pose that we see on so many other figures.


Decebalus12 Jan 2022 10:06 a.m. PST


Bad casted is not worst sculpted.

Having an interesting but unique pose, you dont need more than once, is not worst sculpted.

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP12 Jan 2022 12:24 p.m. PST

Perrys are beyond reproach. They have never produced a "turkey".

Well OK, there was the officer in the French Napoleonic cuirassiers at rest range. The troopers are simply incredible quality, but there is a misshapen officer, with folded arms. He is a midget next to his men and he is actually very stocky despite that. We called him "the toad" and I thought to use him as casualty, but even then I could not find any role for him. Quite the exception.

There has been some scale creep since their earliest releases and then improved casting also. Love them though.

Wish they did 20mm (1/72). Not my scale of choice of course but it is what Waterloo Remodelled needs.

Personal logo Mister Tibbles Supporting Member of TMP12 Jan 2022 2:04 p.m. PST

Perrys did 20mm WWII for Foundry IIRC? I'm too lazy to look it up. ;-)

A while ago, I heard that Perry doesn't like to make new molds for their metal figures so they can keep their prices down. The result is more casting issues. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

SHaT198412 Jan 2022 9:09 p.m. PST

nobody "like to make new molds for their metal figures " period.
It is a maximized expense that then has to gain ROI all over again.
Yet, they stumble… on this subject, I have too few to bother!

Bill N13 Jan 2022 7:08 a.m. PST

I have been generally happy with my Perry figures, plastic as well as metal. There have been the odd clunkers. What I don't like, others may.

4th Cuirassier13 Jan 2022 9:02 a.m. PST

The average quality of figures has hugely improved over the last 40-odd years.

Back in the 70s I bought Hinchliffe to fill the gaps in the Airfix range. While they had a certain charm, they couldn't be accused of anatomical accuracy. Minifigs were worse and no better than Prince August. Elite Miniatures are slightly cartoony but were an improvement. Don't get me started on Lamming WW2 20mm.

Today we are spoiled. I am not a fan of multi-part hard plastic though. Every plastic model I built as a kid fell apart after a couple of years as the glue weakened. I assume the same will be true of plastic?

Deucey Supporting Member of TMP13 Jan 2022 12:34 p.m. PST

Seems like a mean spirited question.

SHaT198413 Jan 2022 1:06 p.m. PST

>>Minifigs were worse and no better than Prince August.

How dare you.
They may BE 'systemic' empirical trolls but next to those coccaine-induced H/Gilder figure shapes, positively regal!

>>I assume the same will be true of plastic?
ASS-umptions never work, like 1970s platics/ glues.
If you'd used real hoof glue, they wouldn't have!

rgds D*

Jack Jones13 Jan 2022 1:51 p.m. PST

Well I don't know about worst, although I love the humanity in their sculpts, I do wish their casting was more consistent.

gavandjosh0213 Jan 2022 9:25 p.m. PST

The Natal Native contingent that they did for Foundry's Zulu range (DA 168)

VB for the GDB14 Jan 2022 1:11 p.m. PST

I will continue to buy Perry Miniatures until I find the worst one!

45thdiv15 Jan 2022 3:26 a.m. PST


This question went down the wrong rabbit hole.

I was not attacking the Perrys. It seems that the majority here think I was. It was just a casual question out of curiosity.

Johnp400015 Jan 2022 8:12 a.m. PST

Don't apologise, Perries are not producing their figures for free, they are a commercial outfit, as a customer you can state your opinion!
I was given several packs of their plastic Agincourt infantry, got fed up after fighting through two packs and went back to using their metal spearmen.

Au pas de Charge15 Jan 2022 8:34 a.m. PST

A while ago, I heard that Perry doesn't like to make new molds for their metal figures so they can keep their prices down. The result is more casting issues. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Just this week, from someone who has some good Intel, I heard something similar. Their explanation wasn't to keep the costs down but it was a similar lack of attention to new molds which explains flash and other issues which, over time, gather on the ageing ranges.

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