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"Most interesting Battle of Britain books" Topic

7 Posts

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883 hits since 28 Dec 2021
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Timmo uk28 Dec 2021 3:20 a.m. PST

Which titles have you read that you've thought to be the most interesting ones that cover the Battle of Britain and which would you consider essential reading?

Guntruck28 Dec 2021 3:37 a.m. PST

Not the standard history of the Battle, but I have found Wingleader's Battle of Britain Combat Archive extremely interesting. The volumes each cover a number of days in the Battle, with an overview of each raid and which squadrons on both sides were involved, with details taken from the Squadron Operational Record Books, and pilot records for each mission. Also included are claimed and actual losses, colour profiles and a lot of photographs.


Not cheap but worth the money.

Dave Jackson Supporting Member of TMP28 Dec 2021 3:48 a.m. PST

1) The most dangerous enemy: Stephen Bungay
2) The Battle of Britain : James Holland
3) The Narrow margin: Derek Wood & Derek Dempster
4) The Royal Navy and the Battle of Britain: Anthony J Cumming
5) The role of intelligence in the Battle of Britain: Norman Ridley

My top 5

Timmo uk28 Dec 2021 12:21 p.m. PST

Thank you both.

Dave Jackson Supporting Member of TMP02 Jan 2022 10:50 a.m. PST

Noted my #3 on at Thriftbooks


Dave Jackson Supporting Member of TMP02 Jan 2022 10:51 a.m. PST

Hmm…postage would be usurious for the UK.

Heedless Horseman Supporting Member of TMP10 Jan 2022 6:45 p.m. PST

Hmm. A memory from LONG ago! I was fascinated by The BoB… and had a thick paperback which, I think' was 'The Narrow Margin'.
As a maybe 10 yr old… spent a couple of summers, reading a day's account of actions.Then, after wandering through MANY B/W photos… either go outside in the UK s'summer'… lying on lawn, looking up and imagining! Or… building/painting models… while the Movie BoB soundtrack was scratching away on a clapped out record player!
OK… kid memories! But still think it was an excellent book… but ended up Very 'Tatty' and 'starting to Go'
May still be there, somewhere!

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