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"AAR - Siege of Tecate, day 1" Topic

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Makhno191810 Dec 2021 7:18 a.m. PST

Hi all, here's the latest AAR. I apologize in advance for some of the language, Chris had encouraged me to write a more dramatic report than the last one ;-)

Last weekend, we resumed the campaign for Baja California. This time, we played out the Siege of Tecate, March 19, 1911.

In this engagement, 150 volunteers of the PLM's Baja California Division attacked the border town defended by a detachment of 80 Federal soldiers from the 8th Battalion, left behind after the battalion reconquered the town from a small PLM group two days prior.

The rebels advanced from the east and here, from the south:

The federals held strong at the farm on the edge of town.

Toward the end of the day, a rebel cavalry squad finally broke through, riding past the US border guards on the way to silence a government machine-gun:


Read the full post with many more pictures on the blog: link

Richard Baber14 Dec 2021 7:57 a.m. PST


Makhno191819 Dec 2021 2:16 p.m. PST

day 2 AAR; link

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