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"2mm ECW rules play test" Topic

4 Posts

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Elenderil07 Dec 2021 4:11 a.m. PST

I have finally brought my ECW rules to a point where I feel comfortable letting others play test them. It has only taken a decade or so! I have also posted a blog post up of the first part of a solo play test. The rules fall into two parts pre battle where armies are selected and deployed plans made and the terrain selected and the actual battle.

The first part is covered in the lates blog post. Which works through the pre battle process.


rampantlion07 Dec 2021 4:59 a.m. PST

I'll have to read these, I have 2 armies in 2mm based and painted although the bases are not finished out as I am not sure how to paint the bases at that scale to look good. Thanks for sharing the rules.


Timbo W08 Dec 2021 3:47 a.m. PST

Really interesting Elenderil, keep us posted on the play tests. Could they be adapted for different figure scales without too much problem?

Elenderil08 Dec 2021 10:18 a.m. PST

The 2mm rules scales are one to one figures to men and figure scale to ground scale. So 1mm on the table is a metre/yard and base sizes are set to the ground foot print of a unit in there commonest combat formation. So for 6mm I would double the ground scale/ranges and double again for 15mm. Because there is no figure removal use what ever number of figures works for you.

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