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"Russia Has Deployed Its First Terminator Tanks" Topic

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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP04 Dec 2021 9:25 p.m. PST

"Russia has deployed its first regular unit of Terminator combat support tanks.

The first Terminator company – equipped with nine BMPT-72s – was assigned to the 90th Guards Tank Division, which is stationed in the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk areas of the Urals region in Central Russia, according to Russian news agency TASS…"


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WarpSpeed05 Dec 2021 3:04 a.m. PST

Nine vehicle do not make a ripple.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP05 Dec 2021 11:36 a.m. PST

Cool looking … Anyway, but like the T-14 MBT … how many do they have totally combat ready, etc.

Personal logo Murphy Sponsoring Member of TMP05 Dec 2021 11:53 a.m. PST

"Nine vehicle do not make a ripple."

It does when you ain't got nothing to stop them!

soledad05 Dec 2021 11:59 a.m. PST

The Russians were severely spanked by the Chechens because of bad/lousy tactics. that the troops were badly trained conscripts and command and control was nonexistent did not help either. Building vehicles with nice gadgets does not help if the crews are not properly trained or the vehicles used properly.

In these to aspects the Russians still have a long way to go.

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian05 Dec 2021 1:54 p.m. PST

So a division gets a company of 9 of these…

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP05 Dec 2021 3:07 p.m. PST



Cuprum205 Dec 2021 6:16 p.m. PST

soledad, you have a bad idea of ​​the situation in Russia in the 90s. This is hunger and devastation. My father-in-law, at that time a captain of the strategic missile forces, did not receive a salary then for six months and was forced to unload the cars at the railway station in order to feed his family (there was simply no other job in that remote region where he served). In the first Chechen war, consolidated companies from the regiments were sent to the war, in which they tried to bring together the best and most trained conscripts. But then no one was seriously involved in their training – the officers were concerned with the question of how to feed their families. This army was not much different from the militia, except for the weapons that remained from the USSR.
Forget about that army. This is no longer the case.

Thresher0106 Dec 2021 5:31 a.m. PST

It will be interesting to see if they deploy some to Eastern Ukraine.

Cuprum206 Dec 2021 8:14 a.m. PST

It is unlikely, given that since spring, the grouping near the borders of Ukraine has significantly decreased)))

Here is a photo of those "Terminators" that have already entered service:

hornblaeser06 Dec 2021 8:58 a.m. PST

I think it is a good concept for figthing in built up areas. However i doubt of a good efficiency of having three major weapons systems on a vehicle. I doubt that you can train for all three at the same time.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP06 Dec 2021 9:54 a.m. PST

Great map & photos ! Looks Cold !!!

It does when you ain't got nothing to stop them!
Didn't the USA give the Ukrainians Javelin AT wpns ?

I think it is a good concept for figthing in built up areas.
The USA's M2 Bradley's had to do to some "upgrades" when it went to Iraq, or shortly before. When operating in MOUT conditions. Including adding armor over Firing Port Wps. This should have been done before anyway …
The US M1A2s MBT had a TUSK upgrade for the same reasons. TUSK = Tank Urban Survival Kit. AFVs with little to no Infantry support don't do well in MOUT. The closed terrain of MOUT make AFVs good targets.

i doubt of a good efficiency of having three major weapons systems on a vehicle. I doubt that you can train for all three at the same time.
The M2 Bradley has 3 wpns systems in & on the turret. The 25mm chain gun, TOW Sponson & Coax 30 Cal. MG mount. So as with other AFVs that should be 3 wpns in a turret are almost the standard.

And generally all wpns can be put on target


I commanded an M113 Mech Co. awaaaaaay back in my youth, '87-'89. old fart But we did get some familiarization training with the M2 at Infantry Officers Advance Course.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP05 Jan 2022 9:46 p.m. PST

Russian Sprut-SDM1 lightweight amphibious tank is ready for production




Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP05 Jan 2022 10:21 p.m. PST

I'll just ask the dumb question here. It sounds like a lot of functions for one vehicle. Does it not have to hold a number of different major types of ordinance, needing a highly trained crew that can readily switch targets and functions in high pressure combat situations? Are they asking it to do too much? Is this a major step forward in tank warfare?

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP06 Jan 2022 5:37 p.m. PST

If they train their crews like the US does. And I suspect they do. All crew members are trained to use all the weapons systems/equipment on the vehicle, i.e. crew cross training.

Just like in an Infantry unit, all troops are trained to use all the weapon systems in the TO&E of the unit. In my Plt & Co., every quarter, with quarterly weapons quals, the M60, M249, M47 MAW, and M203 was rotated to another trooper in the Squad as his assigned weapon. Everybody has to know how to do everything the unit is expected to do. You can't be in a situation where you lose your MG gunner or APC driver and your unit can't function at an effective capability.

As I had mentioned before, in the Infantry, Tanks, FA, etc., you have to be able to spend a lot of time training on mission essential tasks. Those that you will need to go to combat. As a leader, you and your unit have no other higher priority. As you may go to war tomorrow …

I'm not so sure if that is what is going on today ?

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP06 Jan 2022 8:11 p.m. PST

Thank you Legion, as always.

My thought: the people you are dealing with evolve and you had better as well. There is never enough time to train and retrain and that's how mistakes get made. You get trained and stay trained.

As you have said so often you cannot afford to waste time on irrelevant training, and the complexity of a mixed arms tank sounds like an ongoing job to stay on top.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP07 Jan 2022 8:23 a.m. PST

Yes, as I said, you are in an almost constant process of training & retaining, rehearsing, etc. Along with training the "Newbies" that just came from Basic, etc. training to the collective training of actually being in a Squad or Plt, etc.

In many cases you do things repeatedly/rehearse to make it become almost "Pavalan". Stimulus-reaction, etc. Like shooting at pop-up human sized & shaped targets on the range. You are not going to shot at circles 🎯 on the battlefield. But human targets … It was not until after WWII, that we figured that out.

As far as evolving, the more you train, rehearse, gain experience, etc. the better you get at all the tasks you are required to do. E.g. 6 months after I was a Rifle Plt Ldr, I had evolved to become better at my job. The same generally happens with your troops. Hence – "Been there – done that." …

And yes, wasting time on non-combat/prep for battle skills, etc., is a waste of time. Again, our enemies are not woke, care about diversity, inclusion, equity, etc. Only killing the enemy … We should do the same … As in combat the learning curve is steep, as we see thru out history, etc.

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