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Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP25 Nov 2021 9:05 a.m. PST

Saw this article in the Military Officers Assoc. of America(MOAA) newsletter. What our troops are eating for Thanksgiving. Was similar when I was on active duty, '79-'90.

Here's What US Servicemembers Around the World Will Devour This Thanksgiving
NOVEMBER 23, 2021

U.S. troops traditionally eat more roast beef on Thanksgiving than any other entrée, but this year they'll get double the ham and sweet potatoes and three times the desserts than last year -- increases that signal the celebration "should look more normal" than it did in 2020, according to Defense Department officials.

The Defense Logistics Agency, or DLA, is dispatching 192 tons of holiday food to dining facilities, ship galleys and field kitchens in the U.S. and around the world this year, up 47% from last year's pandemic provisions.

For the first time in 20 years, the DLA will not be shipping holiday rations to Afghanistan.

This year the menu, according to the agency, will include 99,187 pounds of roast beef, up from 74,000 last year, and 59,666 pounds of roast turkey, up from 51,000.

It also will include 51,994 pounds of ham -- nearly 31,000 more than was shipped last year.

"The holiday meal should look more normal this year, with in-person dining returning in many locations," Army Brig. Gen. Eric Shirley, commander of DLA Troop Support, said in a press release. "I am so proud of the workforce here at Troop Support. They work tirelessly for months to make sure this meal happens."

Supply chain issues have made getting the holiday meals to service members trickier this year, according to the DLA, but officials say the food should be there in time for the feasts.

"We are currently dealing with the same supply issues that the commercial industry is dealing with," said Robin Whaley, chief of customer operations for Troop Support's Subsistence in the continental United States. "We have been working with our vendors well in advance of the holiday to reduce chances that the necessary items won't be available on the big day."

The DLA oversees the annual holiday meal shipments and is responsible for distributing supplies to Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Defense Department installations worldwide.

Planning for this Thanksgiving began in early March -- back when the pandemic seemed to be in retreat in the U.S., before the Delta variant struck and labor shortages and global shipping slowdowns had much of an impact on the supply chain.

Defense officials have relied heavily on their relationships with vendors and partner agencies to ensure that troops get a taste of home this week, they said.

"Thanksgiving is one of the most important meals we work on all year," said Col. Larry Dean, director of the Subsistence supply chain at DLA Troop Support. "As a proud member of the Army who has enjoyed these meals when I could not be home with my family, it means so much to have that taste of home on Thanksgiving when you can't be there."

This year, service members with a sweet tooth will be able to gorge themselves on 68,465 pounds of cakes and pies, triple what was shipped last year.

They also will be sent:

43,767 pounds of shrimp, down from 67,000 in 2020
38,400 pounds of sweet potatoes, more than double last year's total
23,461 gallons of eggnog, up from 7,000

The supplies have been sent to chow halls in the U.S., as well as dining facilities for troops in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, South Korea, Japan, Qatar, the Philippines, Guam, Singapore and elsewhere.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP25 Nov 2021 12:21 p.m. PST

Excellent! But that is a lot of extra pie and eggnog… I hope the Chinese are quiet for the next couple of days! Thanks, Legion.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP25 Nov 2021 7:22 p.m. PST

Well feed soldiers are happy soldiers … 😎

The PRC/CCP won't do anything until after the Olympics … But the way things are going … they may not have to. Just wait long enough and the USSA will fall all by itself …

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP25 Nov 2021 9:05 p.m. PST

This is very true! But eggnog does make me a little sluggish…

You know I keep saying that, Legion. China does not need to waste a single bullet on us. We have met the enemy and it is us! The war against each other is going well, depending on which media you watch. But nobody will win. There is a middle ground somewhere…

If we could bring back any leader from history to re-unite us who would it be?

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP26 Nov 2021 9:52 a.m. PST

eggnog does make me a little sluggish…
I buy the Lactaid Eggnog, as regular would cause me "distress". frown But I do like it ! 🥛 I'm usually sluggish with all the meds the VA has me on anyway …

There is a middle ground somewhere…
Yes … "The Undiscovered County" …

If we could bring back any leader from history to re-unite us who would it be?
The Founding Fathers would be appalled at what the USA has become. Based on their vision, concept, etc., from their time. But since they were mostly slave owners, that may negate their "worth" to some. E.g. woke, CRT, 1619, BLM, etc., types.

US Grant may be a good choice, IMO … But that would upset some as well. Regardless … he was a proven true American leader …

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP26 Nov 2021 11:06 a.m. PST

I am much the same. my meds have helped some PTSD symptoms for a number of years now so I guess it's worth it, though I hate to admit it. But glad to be here.

The Undiscovered County! I like this very much, a place to dream about. I am a Grant fan, think he got a raw deal from earlier historians and rivals.
He was a good man and a tough warrior at the same time.

I made this question into my first ever poll suggestion, but realized I do not really like the attention! Last time I go there. I used to be a quiet guy before I got here….

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP27 Nov 2021 10:58 a.m. PST

my meds have helped some PTSD symptoms for a number of years now so I guess it's worth it,
Yep I feel the same with my Meds from the VA Shrink …

The Undiscovered County! I like this very much, a place to dream about.
Very much so … IIRC this was from a Shakespear play ?

I am a Grant fan, think he got a raw deal from earlier historians and rivals.
He was a good man and a tough warrior at the same time.
Completely agree. It seems we need a very strong, aware, experienced leader right now. The tail wouldn't be wagging the dawg ! 🐕

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