Ivan The Not So Terrible | 24 Nov 2021 4:01 p.m. PST |
I've been itching to start a linear warfare project for some time now… looked at ACW (played a few games in 15mm in the late 90s), then 7YW, but finally came round to the Great Northern War, Sweden vs. Russia. As I will be collecting the minis for both sides and play (mostly) solo, I don't have to take anyone else into consideration. Yesterday, I purchased two books from Helion, one on the Swedish Army, the other on the Russian Army, which look like a great starting point. I initially thought of 1/72 plastics as they are cheap, but they do seem to sell out quickly, so I think 28mm metals would be the best bet. Ebor and Warfare Miniatures look like they cover both sides more than adequately, but before I jump in with both feet, any advice for a newbie? Cheers |
Old Glory  | 24 Nov 2021 4:31 p.m. PST |
Sash and saber is coming out with one in 40mm very soon. Great figures!! Figure already sculpted and molded. Contrary to popular belief 40mm does not take up a bigger footprint or cost much more then large 28s. Russ Dunaway |
79thPA  | 24 Nov 2021 4:32 p.m. PST |
Is 15mm a possibility or not? |
GamesPoet  | 24 Nov 2021 4:34 p.m. PST |
Wait for Sash & Saber to come out with their 40mm GNW? My understanding is that their figures are well on the way, and from what I have seen look like an excellent and versatile line of figures! I have the same two books published by Helion, and they seem to be good sources for learning. Also, if you're really going for 28mm (don't forget to considered the grandness of 40mm!), then don't forget Wee Wolf Miniatures. I've seen these figures in the real, and they are very good. |
Old Glory  | 24 Nov 2021 4:34 p.m. PST |
Blue Moon also has a wonderful 18mm range. Russ Dunaway |
Ivan The Not So Terrible | 24 Nov 2021 4:42 p.m. PST |
Thanks chaps, 28mm definitely. |
FusilierDan  | 24 Nov 2021 4:54 p.m. PST |
I have the Warfare Miniature and like them very much. Also the Talon and Claw supplement is very good for the period. I don't have the main rules. link If your looking to go Old School there's the Holger Eriksson line from Tradition of London. link |
Ivan The Not So Terrible | 24 Nov 2021 5:38 p.m. PST |
Thanks that looks like a lovely supplement. |
Robert Burke | 24 Nov 2021 7:10 p.m. PST |
I've not seen these miniatures in person but they look like they are worth checking out. link link link link link |
Ivan The Not So Terrible | 24 Nov 2021 7:33 p.m. PST |
Just found out about this book to be published next year: link |
Cardinal Ximenez | 25 Nov 2021 4:57 a.m. PST |
The guys in the club like the Wee Wolf stuff mentioned above. Be sure to check the size though if you mix ranges. |
Cardinal Ximenez | 25 Nov 2021 5:00 a.m. PST |
The 2 volume GNW set by Kling is supposed to be a good resource if you don't already have it and can get your hands on it. |
Cardinal Ximenez | 25 Nov 2021 5:03 a.m. PST |
The guys in the club like the Wee Wolf stuff. |
Travellera | 25 Nov 2021 9:40 a.m. PST |
Dave Jackson  | 25 Nov 2021 10:54 a.m. PST |
Some good background info link |
Ivan The Not So Terrible | 25 Nov 2021 11:23 a.m. PST |
dbf1676 | 25 Nov 2021 4:14 p.m. PST |
I have extensive armies of Warfare GNW figures and I think they are the best. I also have some Ebor, which are quite good and have the advantage of being cheaper. Fortunately they are similar in size and heft, so you can use them both, often in the same units. I agree that the Tacitus website has everything you need on uniforms and much more. |
Ivan The Not So Terrible | 25 Nov 2021 5:18 p.m. PST |
Thanks for the info on the figures from Warfare and Ebor. |
redmist1122 | 28 Nov 2021 3:05 p.m. PST |
I highly recommend Warfare miniatures out of the U.K., and a U.S. distributer. Their line has a nice collection of the GNW, WSS and GNW. They also have a rule system called, "Beneath The Lilly Banner" along with their GNW supplement. Well worth the look. Good luck in adventure. P. |
Ivan The Not So Terrible | 11 Dec 2021 3:28 p.m. PST |
Yesterday I purchased a few packs from Warfare Miniatures, sufficient for a battalion of Swedish infantry and a battalion of cavalry, plus a light gun. I'm probably going to use 50x50mm bases, 4 figures to a base and 6 bases for a battalion (a nice even number to allow for 2 bases of pike and 4 of muskets). The cavalry will be on 25x50mm bases. |
Ivan The Not So Terrible | 12 Dec 2021 3:38 p.m. PST |
Make that 40x40mm for the infantry… |
Ivan The Not So Terrible | 21 Dec 2021 9:47 a.m. PST |
Miniatures purchased for 4 Swedish Regiments (Foot) and one Dragoon Regiment + dismounts, plus 8 Russian Regiments (Foot) and 9 cannon of various types. That should keep me going for a few months and then I will look at expanding the cavalry forces. I may also add a cossack regiment to the Russians and a Saxon regiment to the Swedes for some variety. |