For our second play-test of the Suenos de Libertad campaign, we skipped ahead to Scenario 4, the Defense of Mexicali. The game occurred over two days. On Halloween, we spent about four hours in the basement, playing out the advance of the Mexican Federal army on Mexicali. The historic event occurred on February 15th, 1911, one week after the army under Baja California governor and colonel Vega pushed PLM scouts out of the Picacho Pass, securing the road east to Mexicali. The soldiers, with far superior numbers, marched proudly through the pouring rain, directly into the defensive lines the revolutionaries had prepared.
This was the first large battle we've tried out, and in terms of numbers of combatants, we fought it at the same scale as the historical event, with nearly 250 soldiers attacking 75 rebels, though 25 unarmed reinforcements were available off-table. The scenario features a few special rules to make the battle a little more fair, and hint at the tactics the defenders used.
Read full AAR with many more pictures, below: