"Carnage & Glory 2 for big battles" Topic
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OldReliable1862 | 14 Nov 2021 6:42 p.m. PST |
I've heard a great deal about C&G for a while now, and I do admit, I do find the idea of computer-moderated games intriguing. However, my interest tends toward fighting larger battles, like Chickamauga, Borodino, or Sedan. Those who have some history with C&G, how does it handle big multi-corps battles? |
DukeWacoan  | 14 Nov 2021 7:35 p.m. PST |
I have played Waterloo many times. Full OOB. I used a Regimental level, rather than battalions, and the system worked just fine. Here link I've also done a full game of Rivoli at battalion level, and Longstreets assault of July 2nd with no issues. Both are on that website. I did only 3 of Anderson's brigades, so 11 CSA brigades. In terms of battalion level Nappy or regimental level ACW, I'd say you have no problem managing about 30,000 troops per side. Something like a full battle the size of Borodino or Chickamauga, you'd probably want to go up one level. |
14Bore | 15 Nov 2021 4:46 p.m. PST |
Only played at one convention a Napoleonic game but wondered same thing. The game was no more than 1 Corp per side but I play 2 to 3 per side. |