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"AAR-Liberation of Mexicali 1911" Topic

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Makhno191816 Oct 2021 9:43 a.m. PST

Take two, and this time with real people. I've appreciated all of the advice and encouragement I've received on this board. I'm moving toward releasing my entire campaign game and rules early next year. Some kind friends offered to do some play tests. We started with the first scenario: The Liberation of Mexicali.

This first scenario attempts to recreate the first action of the Baja California campaign undertaken by the PLM at the end of January, 1911. Mexicali, little more than a workers' colony for the Colorado River Land Company at the time, was pressed right up against the US border (the green, grassy area on the right edge of the table is the US.)

Here's the full report from the first battle:


John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP17 Oct 2021 5:25 a.m. PST

This is great! thumbs up Maybe a hit just means out of action? That way determination in a campaign could be made after The game. Person holding the table gets more of them back than one who doesn't. Scenarios would be great!



Makhno191817 Oct 2021 6:30 a.m. PST

thats a great suggestion John, thanks! I'll bring it up with the other guys next game for us to think through, but it'd certainly help lower the attrition rate

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2021 10:14 a.m. PST

I agree with John. A hit just means out of the game. You could make a chart and roll a d6 and a 1 means out of action for a week or next battle, etc., with a 6 (or whatever) meaning that the figure was actually killed. I think that would allow you to run a campaign or string several scenarios together.

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