"Target for Tonight Campaign - Dusseldorf, DWG" Topic
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carojon | 12 Oct 2021 12:33 a.m. PST |
Our Target for Tonight Campaign ended on a high this weekend at the monthly meeting of the Devon Wargames Group, with a climactic last op, game eight in our Battle of Berlin Campaign, that saw our bomber stream head off to Happy Valley. link With a light fuel load matched with a very heavy bomb lift and with a relatively close range target, Dusseldorf and its oil refining plants, in weather set for accurate night bombing all seemed set for Bomber Command to turn a series of poor results around and the result of the campaign overall. link If you would like to see how things turned out then just follow the link to JJ's link JJ |
BattlerBritain | 12 Oct 2021 12:24 p.m. PST |
Great write up 😀 And I've just got a copy of the TfT rules so just started reading them. I'll try and catch up with the Group rules you've put together but I'm not on Faceache so will miss that. My first impression reading TfT is that it is similar in some ways to the old B-17 rules. But good fun. Then it's a question of getting some Brit bombers, probably 1/600th. Cheers, B |
carojon | 12 Oct 2021 10:27 p.m. PST |
Hi BB, Thank you, it's been fun sharing these game with others who have been following our progress so thanks for your comments. Yes the original game was all about the crew experience of flying a night op in WWII and I well remember playing my first game of TfT back in 2000 and something at the show I saw them being demo-gamed, with the anticipation on each die roll or card turn that something might go wrong, followed by the relief of those of us who managed to land afterwards. In these games we have simply kept all that but tagged on the higher command decisions of how much fuel to bomb loads were needed and where to place TI's in relation to potential drift patterns, using different target maps allowing us to rate the effectiveness or not of our bombing efforts that linked in to an overall narrative campaign, thus getting another level of game. The playing has been the proof of those additions and we have certainly enjoyed the experience with accounts of bringing planes home carrying multiple damage dice only to have them crash on the airfield with the crew bailing out after a death defying mission and then the debrief to find out the effects of the bombing with the highs and lows that produced from game to game and making each game great fun to write up as the action tells the story similar to history. I hope you have fun with your own collection, my own is 1:300th for the big stuff and 1:600th for the bomber stream models. Cheers JJ |