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Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP05 Oct 2021 1:14 p.m. PST

Well, actually in Vinland vs native peoples but using the Studio Tomahawk rules Congo Adventure. I have read about and used these rules for spatial and temporal domains other than in the rules. Recently I did the Great War in East Africa and Pirates in Congo vs Portuguese.

The rules are good for any skirmish game with troops in a wilderness area. Jungle or maybe the forests of Vinland.

I need some help with one aspect of the game. I know much about Vikings in general, but what I need are ideas for specific character/leader types and for specific combat groups. Congo has chiefs, witchdoctors, champions, and groups of archers, spearmen, fanatics. What would be the leaders and special characters for Vikings and what combat groups (besides archers and spearmen)? And, what would be their special skills. Thanks.

Personal logo Yellow Admiral Supporting Member of TMP05 Oct 2021 2:58 p.m. PST

I would actually turn to fiction for this.

A quick viewing of The 13th Warrior would be faster research than watching all the seasons of Vikings. grin

You could do worse than to read all the books in Cornwell's Saxon Chronicles. There are always Norse among the antagonists and secondary characters, and some of the Saxons could also serve as model characters.

- Ix

Personal logo Saber6 Supporting Member of TMP Fezian05 Oct 2021 4:46 p.m. PST

Sounds like another chapter in the Saga of Lutfisk the Unlucky.

This was a continuing series of Pig Wars games at Bay Area cons in the '90s

Grelber05 Oct 2021 4:52 p.m. PST

For chiefs, the Vikings had various leaders, such as ship captains, jarls, or even kings, depending on the scale of your game. Most of these would be armored, with mail, shield and helmet. Particularly at the lower end, the local chiefs and captains, these would often be the most experienced fighters.

I don't know that Vikings had official champions, but I'm quite sure one of the band would be willing to step forward and engage in single combat if one of the enemy offered. Big men, skilled fighters.

I don't think the Vikings had a magic user position in their warbands. However, they had somebody along capable of performing magic or thwarting enemy magic. Egil Skallagrimson was a master of rune magic--you can read about him in Egil's Saga. Or read the Wikipedia version here: link He was reputed to be part troll.

In addition to the archers and spearmen, the Vikings had berserks for fanatics, charging into battle, immune to steel or fire.


Wackmole906 Oct 2021 7:02 a.m. PST

Prince valiant once sail up a west African river with a small fleet of Viking ships.

Personal logo Dan Cyr Supporting Member of TMP06 Oct 2021 11:31 a.m. PST

+1 Saber6

"Pig Wars" would be a perfect set of rules for this alternative history event. Tacking on magic would be easy.

Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP07 Oct 2021 10:54 a.m. PST

Thanks for the responses. I was trying to be historical, as much so as is in Congo. I am using those rules, by thanks for the PW suggestion, Dan, I have used that for other games. The Prince Valiant reference was useful, for Africa, but i then found Prince Valiant in the New World. Not much combat, just Val and his wife. Good suggestion for berserks. How to use them? The Egil Skallagrimson reference was interesting.

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