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"Alpha version of 1930's Air Combat rules" Topic

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Anton Ryzbak19 Sep 2021 1:58 p.m. PST


I have posted a very preliminary version of my 1930's air combat rules on my blog. They are aimed at the last of the biplane fighters and the early monoplanes. I intend on using 1/72 scale models but smaller scales would work fine too. Please take a look, comments, criticism and insights are welcomed! link

Anton Ryzbak20 Sep 2021 10:21 p.m. PST


I just got the Data Book for the A5M4 Claude posted to my blog

Anton Ryzbak21 Sep 2021 8:17 p.m. PST


I just posted the data book for the Polikarpov I-153 on the blog link

Anton Ryzbak22 Sep 2021 7:14 p.m. PST


I have just posted the data book for the KI-27 Nate which was pretty much the gold standard of fighters in this era link

bobm195927 Sep 2021 7:51 a.m. PST

You need some of those odd looking French bombers

Anton Ryzbak27 Sep 2021 9:33 a.m. PST

Have patience my friend! I have a couple of old Heller kits of the MB-200 and MB-210; great ugly slab-sided flying greenhouses. I am trying to keep my focus long enough to have forces for the conflict over Khalkhin Gol before I allow myself to stray into the weirdness that is the French Air force 1934-1940

FlyXwire27 Sep 2021 9:56 a.m. PST

Anton, I have a half-dozen F-Toys Ki-27s waiting in the "wings", along with some Ratas, etc. (in 1/144th scale always looking for a snazzy rules system).

Hey, after just a quick and dirty look at your rules – are you using the circular devices also as your custom maneuver-discs, or could you? Could these disc be rated for maneuver performance, and with high-g zones colorized on them to show a corresponding aircraft's stall characteristics, or when it is approaching the extent of its flight envelope (for horizontal maneuvers)?

Anton Ryzbak27 Sep 2021 11:57 a.m. PST

FlyXwire, Not at this time, but that is an interesting idea (and I'm not above stealing ideas!). Currently the discs stand in for hexes (an idea that I'm wholly sold on…..why not use eight points?) Hexes are so sharply limiting and the CY6 method of switching up or down a whole maneuver seems too drastic so we can up with "Tweaks" a marginal shift of the way a disc is placed. Better pilots or ones in advantageous positions get more than a rookie does.

Using your idea they could be made specific to the aircraft….Hmmmm

In retrospect 1/144 would have been a much better scale than 1/72 plus you can get 3D prints in that size that would work quite well

FlyXwire27 Sep 2021 3:20 p.m. PST

Do keep us abreast on your progress, because what you've done so far already looks high quality!

Having chosen disc or multi-sided templates allows you to size these to accommodate various turning circles, or if that's not preferred, it could also allow the typical footprint of an aircraft model in various scales to be provided for, by using smaller or larger versions of your maneuver templates (and as you mentioned too, nice to be able to liberate players from needing a custom gridded board as a prerequisite for playing).

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