A belated AAR just posted up on the TSOG Blog for a game we played in June, we again recreated the Battle of Waterloo with Blucher rules and a plethora of 6mm figures on a 1.8m x 1.2 metre table (giving sides room to manoeuvre)!
The armies started with historical deployment and the Prussians would arrive 'on time' during the game (no variable arrival times).
The battle developed in a series of flank moves by both the Allied and French armies, yes Wellington went over to the attack early!
The tide of action then favoured the French as they began to roll up the Allied Army from both its flanks!
The Prussian arrival drew off some of the French reserves but even though they advanced boldly initially they failed to tie down enough Frenchman to aide the Allied Army.
Late in the day after the French Grand Battery cleared La Haye Saint the French Guard advanced on the depleted and almost encircled Allied Army and broke it.
An unexpected French victory!
Some pictures of the action…
The French Army ready for action…
The Allied Army facing them…
An early Allied spoiling attack goes awry…
The French 'masked' Hougomount and turned the Allied Army's right…
The Prussian IV Corps attack the French right…
The Imperial Guard line up to charge the Allied centre…
The full AAR with lots more pictures and a summary are on the TSOG blog here…