cantbeatdavy | 02 Sep 2021 7:11 a.m. PST |
Hi all New to this era… apologies in advance! I want to paint up a Russian army roughly 1705 , using 15mm metal figures. I know Blue Moon are available, but, I really like Khurasan miniatures. So , given the scale , are there any of the khurasan range that would be useable as Russians.. either mounted or foot? Or is the uniform style way off? Cheers all John |
BillyNM | 02 Sep 2021 8:35 a.m. PST |
You could probably use some from the WSS and Late C17th ranges – they are well photographed on the Khurasan site so you should be able to compare them for suitability with whatever uniform guide you're using (the Osprey on Peter the Great's Army?). Luckily in this period the uniforms have few fussy details. |
Frederick  | 02 Sep 2021 9:39 a.m. PST |
Agree with Billy NM – the uniforms were pretty generic for the infantry and regular cav, and the Cossacks had no uniforms (and wouldn't until about 1789 or so) |
cantbeatdavy | 02 Sep 2021 9:52 a.m. PST |
Ok…that's great guys!! I will look through my books and see. No disrespect to blue moon figs obviously!! Cheers J |
cantbeatdavy | 02 Sep 2021 9:53 a.m. PST |
And yes WSS range seems closest to that uniform type |
dbf1676 | 02 Sep 2021 10:24 a.m. PST |
What figures do you plan to use for your Swedes? |
Swampking | 02 Sep 2021 11:33 a.m. PST |
Great suggestions by all posters. And, a good question – what about the Swedes? I don't know how big Khurasan minis are but the best Swedes on the market in my opinion are Dixon. They are a bit on the small end of the 15mm scale (true 15mm) and I haven't seen any size comparisons with Khurasan. However, please stay away from any figures that have ribbons on their shoulders. The Russian uniform that Peter the Great originally envisioned was modelled after the Dutch uniform of the time. Also, while green was the predominant color, there are at least two Swedish spy accounts of Russian regiments in red, blue, white and grey with various distinctions. Also, I would look at the Helion book entitled, "The Russian Army in the Great Northern War" by Boris Megorsky: link It's probably the best book on the Russian Army in the GNW in English. |
cantbeatdavy | 02 Sep 2021 2:09 p.m. PST |
For the Swedes I've painted up Dixon's 15mm figs.. not a large number of poses but I think they look fairly aggressive!! J |
cantbeatdavy | 02 Sep 2021 2:14 p.m. PST |
Sorry Swampking… didn't read your message first… At the minute the Russians will be facing off against Essex or Dixon's .. neither of which mix with Khurasan figs but since they are facing off that's fine!! I just ordered that book this morning so looking forward to seeing the illustrations. Then I can start ordering up ( hopefully) Khurasan figs!!! Cheers all J |
Anton Ryzbak | 02 Sep 2021 7:09 p.m. PST |
I second the book by Megorsky, I have both the Russian book and the Swedish book from Helion………if you are only getting two books on the period I would recommend that you consider that pair! |
cantbeatdavy | 02 Sep 2021 11:59 p.m. PST |
Cheers guys Appreciate your help J |
Swampking | 03 Sep 2021 2:23 a.m. PST |
I would steer clear of the Swedish book by Helion. While the historian who wrote it is quite well known for his work in the late 17th century (the Scanian War), his book on the Swedish army of the GNW fell flat and has several inaccuracies in places. The best book on the Swedish army of the GNW (if you can find it) is still the 1st volume of "The Great Northern War" by Lars-Eric Hoglund. This is the best book on uniforms by far. As far as tactics, etc., Hoglund does a pretty good job of describing that as well. It may not be as detailed as others but it's a lot better than the Helion book, in my opinion. Also, I would see if I could get a hold of the 2 volumes of "The Great Northern War Compendium" – awesome books which should be a part of every GNW gamers' library. If you're a GNW fanatic, I can provide a list of all the books in my library (over 30) in various languages. Just drop me a line and I'll shoot you a copy – Happy gaming! |
RittervonBek | 03 Sep 2021 5:30 a.m. PST |
I have the two volume work by Hoglund and Sallnass. They are superb and well worth the effort of tracking down. That plus Megorsky's book should see you right. |