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"Looking for a painter 1/3000 and 1/6000" Topic

9 Posts

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20 Aug 2021 10:04 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Crossposted to Painting Services board

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charles popp20 Aug 2021 9:22 p.m. PST

Naval 1/3000 WW1 and 1/6000 WW2
Please let me know

HMS Exeter21 Aug 2021 10:53 a.m. PST

If there is any aspect of miniatures gaming where cultivating proficient painting skills is easiest, it has to be small scale naval wargaming. Unless you're eyeball to eyeball with WWI Dazzle or WWII US 1944 MS32, no part of wargaming painting lends itself to "do it yourself" more than here.

Have you considered 1/2400 scale? It's not dramatically different than 1/3000, and there is a 2400 scale manufacturer called Panzerschiffes that cast their models in dyed resin so, while the color accuracy is debatable, they come out of the box table ready.

Panzerschiffes are pretty primitive compared to other 2400 scale manufacturers, but easily the equal of 1/3000.

Why are you seeking a painter?

Personal logo Dye4minis Supporting Member of TMP21 Aug 2021 9:49 p.m. PST

With all those beautiful 1/300th scale plastic ships from Fujimi and metal ones from Figurehead, they are very impressive on a 4x8 table! I agree with HMS Exeter in that one can get away with a lot in the painting. At an arm's length, it's all good!

hindsTMP Supporting Member of TMP22 Aug 2021 7:57 p.m. PST

Yeah; back in the day (late 1960s – 1970s) we played Fletcher Pratt naval with 1/1200 ships painted gray (…). Pretty easy to paint, right? :-)

Then later on if you feel like it, paint the decks and funnel caps.


rob polymathsw23 Aug 2021 5:20 a.m. PST

If you are interested in a UK painting service I have experience in painting WW2 Warships on 'sea foam' bases.


I'm available for commissions from May 2022, let me know if you are interested in booking a space.


charles popp12 Nov 2021 7:03 a.m. PST

I used to love to paint but due to some medical issues I can no longer.Medications I take make me shake ,Might give it a try.

Personal logo Yellow Admiral Supporting Member of TMP29 Nov 2021 8:39 p.m. PST

Late to the party…

Most of the paint job on a 1/6000 ship miniature is drybrushing, which I would imagine you can still do. I used pretty broad motions to do this on my 1/6000 WWI fleets.

Some suggestions to try:

  • Spray paint the deck color on first. Use fine model sprays in the right color, like Tamiya paints (deck tan, USN blue, light gray, whatever). Spray straight down on the miniature so it's getting all the horizontal surfaces. Use light, fast coats, the miniatures are tiny and goop up easily.
  • Spray paint the sides and superstructure a dark gray (or dark blue if they're WWII USN Pacific units), again with a very fine spray primer meant for miniatures. Aim horizontally only, or even from slightly below the miniature, so you don't overspray onto the decks. Again, use light & fast coats.
  • Press the tops of the stacks into a black ink pad.
  • Moderately drybrush the ship with up/down strokes along the sides in a light version of the ships' color.
    <il>Use a very broad, flat brush (about 1/4" wide?) to drybrush the same light version of the ship's hull color across the tops of the turrets and superstructure. The idea is to take the deck color off the topmost surfaces using broad strokes, without getting too much on the deck.
  • Use a very very light shade of the hull color (near-white gray or pale bluish off-white) and do another vertical drybrushing, but very very very lightly. This just helps pick out and harden edges at viewing distance.

Drybrushing is how I painted entire WWI fleets quickly. They look awful in close-up photos, but pretty good on the table at gaming distances: Shaky hands make horizontal details a challenge, but maybe not an insurmountable one.

The two-angle spraying job I describe above is how I prime my aircraft miniatures. There's plenty of ovespray at the edges, but as long as I'm careful about the angle of spray, it works pretty well to keep the colors separated.

I added bigger bases on mine gluing the ships and Figurehead bases to pre-cut 1/2" wide sheet metal bases, then blending them in with putty. The horizontal surface is most of what a 50,000 foot admiral sees, and it helps to offset the lighter-colored miniature ship by providing a wide base that matches the sea surface you'll be playing on. Basing should still be a doable task with shaky hands.

There's no particular reason this wouldn't work for 1/3000 scale either, if you find that scale is a better fit for your needs and abilities.

- Ix

charles popp16 Dec 2021 8:25 p.m. PST

Thanks guys I'm in the middle of printing WW1 fleets in 1/3000 right now and then WW2 same scale.
I think my skills based on looking at everyone else pics I can at least make them look halfway decent

Admiral Rich Supporting Member of TMP17 Dec 2021 9:47 a.m. PST

FWIW, I wrote an article 20 years ago titled "Painting Naval Miniatures" and it is still available at:

PDF link

I do need to update it since it deals only with metal miniatures, but except for the acetone bath and baking, the method still works for resin/printed models and I've been painting a bunch of 1:3000 ships from WTJ for a few months now. Honestly, I can't imagine doing this without an airbrush.

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