LOL!!! What a fantastic battle report! I loved it! You had me laughing out loud, multiple times.
It reminded me of my Army Men games, in several different ways… I love my Army Men games -- never get to play them as often as I would like! Those games never really pan out the way I expect them to, either. My last game, both sides complained they could never win. In the end, the battle was nail-bitingly close, with the Green invaders eking out, barely ahead of the Tan defenders. Nothing went as expected. And that is what makes those games so incredibly enjoyable! Your game went much like so many of my Army Men games: I design the scenarios, draw up the forces for each side, and I typically make up the terrain, as well. Doesn't matter to me if I play, or simply referee the games, as I have too much fun, no matter what.
Your game was heavy with casualties -- I enjoy that, too much, most likely. I like a hard fought game, no matter which side wins. For me, the play is the thing. I enjoy my victories, but I never mind losing a good, close game, either. The walk-away's can be fun, as well, but I really prefer a close battle. If I lose, by a wide margin, I relish what I was able to accomplish, nonetheless. Thanks for sharing! Cheers!