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"Peninsular War Scenario books - an update" Topic

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ferg98116 Aug 2021 12:53 a.m. PST


For those who are interested, i've recently been speaking with Michael Hopper and he expects his Peninsular Scenario books to be available for purchase in September – unfortunately, play testing was delayed due to Covid.

For those who are interested, I originally blogged about these scenario books back in November of 2020, when they where scheduled for release in March 2021.




Florida Tory16 Aug 2021 5:31 a.m. PST

Please keep us posted on the release.


Selly50124 Aug 2022 10:12 p.m. PST

August 2022: May we have an update on the release and any buying-contact information? Please and thanks!

Tim95th26 Aug 2022 4:38 p.m. PST

The books were printed in 2021 and are being sold directly by Michael. Contact Michael at He published two: Perfidious Albion 1806-1809 with 27 scenarios and The Rise of Albion 1809-1811 with 34 scenarios.

Perfidious has some unique scenarios in the far flung reaches of the "Albion" including South America, South Africa, Kingdom of Naples, Denmark, Holland and of course Spain and Portugal.

You can find some examples of his scenarios in the FB Shako II group too.

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