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carojon15 Aug 2021 4:09 a.m. PST

The campaign game of Target for Tonight recreating some of the first large attacks made by Bomber Command Mainforce in the autumn of 1943 in what became known later as the Battle of Berlin has recommenced at the Devon Wargames Group from where we left off back in February 2020.


With the game delicately balanced on a drawn campaign and with this the penultimate game in eight it was all to play for and Bomber Command were looking for a devastating attack on Hannover to reassert their previous dominance.


If you would like to know more then just follow the link to JJ's



BattlerBritain16 Aug 2021 7:05 a.m. PST

Great write up and love the way it recreates a massed raid.

Thanks for posting,


carojon17 Aug 2021 1:07 a.m. PST

Thanks BB, glad you enjoyed the read and TfT are a really good set of rules for this particular aspect of the air war in WWII.


BattlerBritain17 Aug 2021 3:39 a.m. PST

Yeah where can you get a copy of the rules?

I think you might have posted a link before but my Google-fu is on the blink :(

carojon17 Aug 2021 5:16 a.m. PST

They're a reprint from John Curry.
Amazon UK have them in hard format or kindle. And the TfT Facebook Group are worth checking with as they've added to the rules with various mod ideas.


Thresher0117 Aug 2021 5:34 p.m. PST

Thanks for sharing your report(s).

I always enjoy them.

Your account reads like a lot of historical raids from back in the day.

A pity about the poor die roll for the raid's accuracy, but seems like a pretty historical outcome from back in the day.

carojon18 Aug 2021 12:35 a.m. PST

Hi Thresher,
Thanks for your comment and glad you enjoyed the read.

The TfT rules together with our Campaign mod creates the narrative that makes writing these AAR\'s very straightforward, with the players making notes on their aircraft record sheets of where and how a particular plane was lost and who bailed out, if anyone did, and thus the actual historical AAR's are brought to life by the game play which is very immersive.

Although not necessary for play, the Cyberboard module I have created really makes recording raid plans and bombing results a doddle and the following reports are easily produced from its graphics.

I have to say we all felt a bit flat with the resulting drift result and you have to think that, nine times out of ten, that raid would have resulted in 50VP to Bomber Command. Instead of the 19VP to the Nachtjagd, only to find the game really reflecting that reality.

In addition, as a player and as an actual Bomber Commander, you realise that this is an odds base game and yes you will get results that fly in the face of the odds, but if the planning is good and the weather is kind, odds on you are going to get a positive result with all the drama the game generates along the way.

Once the campaign is finished with our next game I will pull the campaign rules together in a readable format and make it, together with the Cyberboard module, freely available for others to use.


Thresher0118 Aug 2021 11:05 p.m. PST

Sounds great, JJ!

I'd love to see them.

I've been doing a bit of research on night and day bombing accuracy rates throughout the war, and wanting to include them with various rules as well, so I look forward to seeing what you've come up with.

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