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KevinV01 Aug 2021 6:49 a.m. PST

I just received my order from Lancashire games, taking advantage of the summer sale. I was very pleased with my first purchases from the American Revolution range. The pictures do not do them any justice. Legs are a little thin (I'll be careful) but the rest of the sculpts are animated, crisp and detailed. Absolutely excellent selection of poses and types. Lancashire's guns are also a real hidden gem.
Post from UK is hideously high, but post from anywhere is high so…
Overall an excellent choice. I'll be ordering more as the summer goes for another week.

Maha Bandula01 Aug 2021 6:00 p.m. PST

Best to start a blog and post pictures of the painted goodies to lend your views greater weight, for the benefit of both readers and the company. Do it!

Blasted Brains03 Aug 2021 5:23 p.m. PST

I plan on any order from UK to US these days to have roughly a 1/3 of purchase cost premium for shipping costs. I just make sure to order enough to get there. Small orders might be more like $10 USD order, $20 USD shipping – that would be hard to justify.

Agree pictures would help.

Hope the figures you bought are more animated that the old Boxer range – pretty stiff poses. Also, you didn't specify size of miniatures?

Maha Bandula04 Aug 2021 4:18 p.m. PST

Blasted Brains, don't you just hate it when original posters and thread starters just abandon their creations?

GildasFacit Sponsoring Member of TMP05 Aug 2021 9:41 a.m. PST

I didn't see that as a post that required a follow-up, it said all that he wanted to, why gild the lilly ?

If he just got the figures what is there to show pics of ?

Think a bit before you jump into a criticism of someone just sharing their experience. After all your two posts say a good deal less than his one and contribute absolutely zero.

Blasted Brains10 Aug 2021 4:54 p.m. PST

Well, I agree with GildasFacit, give him some time to get the photos up – assuming he has the ability and the desire. Heck, when I buy figures it may be more than a decade before they see paint – or two in some cases! But then I have a ridiculous number of figures.

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