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"Vendel 28mm Adventurers Fellowship - Sort Of" Topic

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Chalfant02 Jul 2021 6:14 a.m. PST


So I now have a set of 9 adventurers from Vendel, which mostly matches the Fellowship of the Ring, except there are 2 different Gandalfs and no Gimli. A quick search confirms this is correct for the set.

I am not familiar with Vendel, but anyone have a suggestion of a Vendel Dwarf, same sculptor, that would make a decent Gimli? I have other 28mm Dwarf miniatures, looking for a match.

Overall I like the set as the figures are in reasonable poses, not a huge amount of extraneous bits about, it would be nice to add a matching Dwarf.



Rdfraf Supporting Member of TMP02 Jul 2021 7:37 a.m. PST

Vendel made a range of dwarves so a figure from that line should work . Thistle and Rose Miniatures has them or a dwarf figure from Conqueror Models would work as I understand the dwarves are from the same sculpter. link

Chalfant02 Jul 2021 8:47 a.m. PST

Thanks, something might work… it is the kind of thing I was looking for.


Grimmnar25 Jul 2021 9:35 p.m. PST


That is just weird.


R Strickland Fezian01 Aug 2021 6:42 p.m. PST

The choice of varying the fellowship a bit may have been intentional to preempt accusations.

If happen to use them to represent the fellowship, however, the other wizard with the staff down can represent Gandalf the White, while the other, Gandalf the Grey. That's the thing about Gandalf in miniature, you need two.

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