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"Goeben Ambush" Topic

5 Posts

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Comments or corrections?

NCC171730 Jun 2021 11:12 a.m. PST

This scenario, occasioned by a recent TMP discussion, assumes that the 1st Cruiser Squadron commanded by Troubridge was able to predict the future track of the Goeben and arrange a dawn attack on August 7th, 1914.



Personal logo ColCampbell Supporting Member of TMP30 Jun 2021 1:06 p.m. PST

This reminds me of the story "Tradition" by Elizabeth Moon, published in Alternate Generals, edited by Harry Turtledove, 1996.

This story imagines Admiral Christopher Cradock in place of Admiral Troubridge as commander of the cruiser and destroyer force to the east of the Straits of Messina. In the story, Cradock ignores Admiral Milne′s instructions to guard the Adriatic Sea and instead intercepts the Goeben and Breslau north of Crete. In the ensuing battle, his fleet loses two of the four armored cruisers and six of his eight destroyers, but manages to destroy both German ships before they reach their goal of Istanbul. In reality, Cradock was not present in the Mediterranean, but died a few weeks later at the Battle of Coronel after challenging a larger German force, a decision made in part because he wanted to avoid Troubridge's ignominy in allowing Goeben and Breslau to escape. [From the "In Fiction" portion of link ]


emckinney30 Jun 2021 4:21 p.m. PST

Could you explain about the program that you're using for this? Is it running on Windows or some sort of Atari emulator?

Are you not distributing the executable (if there is one), or just not the source code?

It looks like a very useful piece of software!

emckinney30 Jun 2021 4:22 p.m. PST

I really like the outputs from the software automatically summing up the game and giving reasons for some of the activities.

NCC171730 Jun 2021 4:41 p.m. PST



All my battle reports link to this page describing the code in general terms:


As it says, it is a LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet. As such, there is no executable. LibreOffice should run on Windows, but I am using Linux.

I try to keep the description up to date, but the code changes daily.

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