"Empress Minis: Taliban Weapons" Topic
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Stalkey and Co | 28 Jun 2021 7:23 a.m. PST |
I'm sure someone knows this already… what are the following weapons in the Taliban line with Empress Minis: - TAL04: Sniper rifle, carried LMG, 2-man crew MMG/bipod - TAL05: mortar – looks like 82mm-ish - in several packs…the RPGs – there are so many, from whom did they get them? Soviet/Russian? Or Chinese? - in nearly all the packs, same question re: AKs, Soviet, Chinese, does it matter? Any difference? - Insurgents 01 and 02… just not familiar with many of those weapons at all! Thanks in advance! |
pzivh43  | 28 Jun 2021 1:48 p.m. PST |
Can't answer all, but will give some a shot: RPGs--generic Soviet looking. Most look like RPG-7 type AK-47s. Most are generic. I can't tell diff btwn Sov and Chicom. Some are full stock and a few folding or no stock AKS or AK 74. Sniper rifle is the Dragonov, and the MGs are the RPK (usually one-man weapons like the US M249 SAW) and the PKM (2-man weapon). INS 01 are AK 47/74 weapons. INS 02 looks like the Soviets VSS or VAL rifles with integral suppressors. Hope that helps. |
Stalkey and Co | 29 Jun 2021 6:08 p.m. PST |
It helps! At the end of the day, if it is a reasonable choice, and paints up right, "it's correct"! |