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"Crockett and the Creek War: ‘We Now Shot Them Like Dogs’" Topic

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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP02 Jun 2021 10:01 p.m. PST

"All through the sweltering night of Aug. 30, 1813, beneath a dim crescent moon, Red Eagle had quietly mobilized upward of 700 warriors in the tall grass around "Fort" Mims—certainly an exaggerated designation for the flimsy stockade surrounding the blockhouse, cabins and barns of wealthy planter Samuel Mims. In Creek country some 40 miles northeast of Mobile, Mississippi Territory—in what would soon become Alabama Territory—Mims' stronghold had become the only place of refuge for American settlers, their slaves and their mixed-blood Creek friends after war had erupted in the summer of 1813 between the Upper Creeks and the United States. On being defeated by the Creeks farther east at Burnt Corn Creek that July 27, territorial militiamen had retreated in disarray, leaving the Alabama frontier defenseless.

Major Daniel Beasley had but 140 militiamen under his command to protect the nearly 300 refugees crammed into the 1-acre stockade. The major was remarkably casual concerning the peril they faced. When warned by a slave on August 29 about an approaching Creek war party, he dismissed the report and had the poor man tied to a post in the middle of the stockade and flogged. The next day when Red Eagle sent his warriors storming forward at noon—surprising the defenders during their midday meal—Beasley was among the first to fall as he moved to close the gate he had so carelessly allowed to be left open. The settlers retreated into the larger cabins and set up a stiff defense, but Red Eagle had his warriors unleash a torrent of flaming arrows on them. Those who fled outside were quickly clubbed to death, while the rest were burned alive. Red Eagle reportedly tried to halt the slaughter, but he found it difficult to restrain his warriors. He managed to protect only a few dozen slaves and a handful of women and children, while the Creeks razed the fort and tortured captured soldiers to death. It was all over by late afternoon…."
More here


Florida Tory03 Jun 2021 5:53 a.m. PST

Interesting article. Thanks for the link, Armand.


IronDuke596 Supporting Member of TMP03 Jun 2021 9:10 a.m. PST

Unfortunately I could not read the article due several pop up banners including one that demanded that I disable my adblocker, which is not going to happen.

Nonetheless, thanks T for finding the article.

Rudysnelson03 Jun 2021 12:39 p.m. PST

Crockett was part of a command that participated in several atrocities. Whether he was in the action or out hunting for food is a touchy question.
His unti participated in capturing the Creek town near Jacksonville AL. This is where the men were cooking supper after the battle and roasting potatoes. The men reportedly tossed live babies unto the fire for flavor.

The unit also participated in what was known as the Hillabee Massacre, in modern Clay County at Millerville. That group of seven small villages had just find a peace treaty with Jackson. But this until was drunk and did not get the news. They walked into each village and killed all men women and children that they could find.

Personal logo Dan Cyr Supporting Member of TMP03 Jun 2021 3:23 p.m. PST

Rudy, you're going to upset the whole effort by certain groups to keep U.S. history clean (dare I say "white"?) of those nasty stories.

U.S. history is no worse than most national histories, we (like others) just like to keep it hidden, pretend and deny that it happened or whitewash it.

Clue the angry mob now.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP03 Jun 2021 3:27 p.m. PST

A votre service mes amis!.


Rudysnelson03 Jun 2021 9:10 p.m. PST

I live in the heart of Creek country in Clay county the home of several massacres and battles. And Talladega the home of several graveyards filled with American troops who died on campaign. Many of the wounded soldiers from battles who died during recovery. Talladega cemetery and Fort Williams cemetery are only a few miles from me.
So many stories out there. A citizen brought me a cannon ball from Ashland which turned out to be a 6 pounder. At dusk as they were setting up camp each night. They would fire a cannon ball to determine range around the camp.

Jcfrog04 Jun 2021 9:54 a.m. PST

Creeks were humanists saints who went on tourists raids, to bring diversity to these newcomers. Those responded or initiated or whatever, it might have fast worked like Cosican vandettas. Bet any one who wants to nuance or not go whitebashing in academe soon to be Kancelled.
Balance and honesty, the most endangered species.

A few years ago in a show I asked why people (oppressed serfs hey) were running to hide in the castle.
When I gave the right answer, because they are uneatable cattle, they will get killed as the property of the lord under attack. Cows can be taken and eaten. Serfs are not slaves. Killing them is ruining the lord. (horrified assembly)
Nice hey? So we should erase all 2000 castles, better than Richelieu who started the job.Judgments from another world.
History by our standards of today is full of this, everywhere. In many place and times we don't know of it…because the locals did not write.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP04 Jun 2021 3:37 p.m. PST



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