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"Anyone contract with Old Guard Painting the last 12 months?" Topic

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Personal logo Doctor X Supporting Member of TMP25 May 2021 2:55 p.m. PST

I only saw one reference here for the last 12 months and that was from January. There was no update to the issue so I'm not sure how or if it got resolved.

If you have sent figures to Old Guard Painters in the last 12 months how did it go? Number of figures sent, painting level requested, turnaround time, communication, etc. all appreciated.

BTCTerrainman Supporting Member of TMP25 May 2021 6:10 p.m. PST

I have been in communication with them in the past couple of weeks. I have an old order pending which I was informed should be ready in 2-3 weeks.

They were hit hard by COVID apparently really throwing things off schedule.

Jcfrog26 May 2021 3:43 a.m. PST

15 months of mess.

Alcibiades26 May 2021 6:03 a.m. PST

I have placed two orders with Old Guard since December. The first order was for around 300 Napoleonic Prussians. I am advised that work is progressing and should be finished in June/early July. A second order was just placed for around 150 ECW foot painted to their collector's standard.

Vladimir is very good at keeping me posted on progress. For what it is worth, I commissioned Old Guard after hearing numerous good reviews from the late Mike Hobbs and Neil Shuck on M&M.

Jcfrog27 May 2021 10:00 a.m. PST

Mess might be healing back to old good things.

Personal logo Doctor X Supporting Member of TMP30 May 2021 12:08 a.m. PST

Based upon the responses here and the PMs I received it looks like:

1) Nobody who has sent figures to be painted has received them back in the last 12 months. Maybe they don't do much business any more? I would think there has to be at least one person who is on TMP that sent figures and received them back in the last 12 months.

2) A majority of respondents seem to be having issues with commissions and orders they sent over the last 12 months.

AussieAndy21 Jun 2021 12:02 a.m. PST

I bought pre-painted figures (in large quantities) from them on two occasions last year. In each case, significant numbers of figures were not included, but I was left to work that out for myself, as there was no communication about it. I eventually got some of the figures, but had to lodge a PayPal dispute, after nearly six months, to get a refund for the rest. I was prepared to put my experience down to incompetence, rather than dishonesty, and I said that I would be prepared to buy more figures if they were actually painted. Vladimir told me that there should be figures available in about 2 1/2 months, but I've heard no more, despite sending a couple of follow-up emails. Well painted figures at a good price, although painting all of the horses in a unit one colour is a bit strange, but I would be very wary of dealing with them if I were you and I wouldn't be sending them figures to paint.

dave836502 Sep 2021 8:47 a.m. PST

Any further information for these guys?

I had them paint a bunch of League of Augsburg figures a while ago, and I want to send them more figures to flesh out my troops.

Vladimir was pretty responsive with his email reply, but the comments here give me a bit of pause.


dave836502 Sep 2021 9:16 a.m. PST

Vlad is a member of TMP – ulahtonius.

I'm surprised he has not replied to this thread.

Personal logo Doctor X Supporting Member of TMP26 Sep 2021 11:14 p.m. PST

I'm surprised he has not replied to this thread.

The lack of any comment by the owner, or even his rep in the US, is troubling.

It has been 5 months since I started the topic. Has anyone received anything from them in the last five months?

philbo6627 Sep 2021 9:18 a.m. PST

Hi Guys,

I placed an order at the beginning of the year. Vlad has had some very serious issues with losing painters(don't know why). I believe things are coming around. I just received a small part of the order the other day. I am waiting on the rest. Vlad has always been great to deal with and his figures are great. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt and being patient that he will work things out.

Personal logo Doctor X Supporting Member of TMP27 Sep 2021 10:54 p.m. PST

Did you send him the figures to paint or were these figures from the selection of already painted ones he sells?

philbo6628 Sep 2021 7:16 a.m. PST

He buys the Old Glory figures for me and paints them up according to my requirements.

ulahtonius Sponsoring Member of TMP03 Oct 2021 5:57 a.m. PST

I am sorry for the delays guys, we have had in the last year difficulty with the number of our artist and staff. Please bear in mind that we will fulfill all the orders when we get more staff here. We have for 20 years delivered excellent figures to you and it is not an easy time for us, it will be most easy to give up, but we do not. The waiting time can be long I agree and if it is to much I can send the figures back, there is another very popular painting service that will paint your figures much faster. But most clients understand the delays and have had near a million figures painted. We value each of you but sometimes in our Life not all goes according to our plan, we will work out these difficulties and be even better than before, but please have patience.

Fredloan03 Nov 2021 1:22 p.m. PST

Vlad is great to work with. His figures look great and although the timeline is longer than predicted they have been worth it.

I did notice a sharp price increase though.

dave836510 Apr 2022 8:42 a.m. PST

Has anyone been in touch recently with Vlad? I hope he and his family are safe during this horrible time.

philbo6614 Apr 2022 10:25 p.m. PST

Hi Dave,

I spoke with him via e-mail on March 31st. This is what he had to say.

"I have been displaced as a refuge since 24 Feb. All the figures are with the artist who has also moved around Ukraine. We will be soon able to work from West Ukraine but need time to settle and get all the things from Kyiv. It is hard to say how long it will take but I hope we can be operating in Max. A month and hopefully the war will be over soon 🙏"

I'll try to contact him again at the end of the month just to make sure he is still doing ok. I thought it was amazing that he was worrying about getting figures to me. I told him not to worry about it.

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