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"Stars *N* bars first edition appendix" Topic

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PistolPete196922 May 2021 8:16 a.m. PST

I have the stars N bars 3rd edition.
I read somwhere that the first edition had an appendix
with OBs and ratings of historical leaders and regiments.
Does anyone have this?
If so, can I persuade you to sell or share the appendix?

best regards

HMS Exeter22 May 2021 4:19 p.m. PST

Odds are someone in here can, but Scotty Bowden frequents one of the other newsgroups. If someone could point you in the right direction, SB is responsive. Odds are you'd end up with the OOBs with accumulated updates, expansions and errata.

John the Greater23 May 2021 7:33 a.m. PST

My edition is from 1979, I don't know if that is 1st or not. Mine does have extensive OB's and a section of short bios of many of the major figures.

That said, Exeter is right, Mr Bowden would be the best source.

PistolPete196923 May 2021 12:30 p.m. PST

Thank you for your replies.
I will try to contact mr. Bowden.

takeda33302 Aug 2021 8:35 p.m. PST

2d that Scotty has always been great answering questions , explaining concepts. Hope you can get a hold of him.

avery060210 Aug 2021 11:12 a.m. PST

I have a copy of S&B first edition with the appendices. Email me at and I'll try to scan them for you.

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