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"15XX Playtest 4 is Out - Renaissance Narrative Skirmishes" Topic

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WillPhillips16 May 2021 9:56 p.m. PST

Hi guys, I've just released the fourth closed playtest for my narrative skirmish rules, 15XX, and I'd love to get more feedback!

These are narrative skirmish rules inspired by the pike & shot Renaissance era of 1474-1651.

☙ Covers the smallest actions of the era – that multitude of raids and skirmishes lost to history

☙ Designed to bring the narrative stories seen in Mordheim, Necromunda, Warcry, & Frostgrave to a historical setting

☙ Narrative and campaign focus around the "band of brothers" at a party level, rather than individuals

☙ Straight forward list building that doesn't require counting points

☙ Warbands range from 10-27 figures multibased onto 4-12 stands (but basing is very flexible)

☙ Uses a large grid to speed up play and allow the focus to sit on the action rather than debates over tiny measurements and if units are in cover or not

☙ Scale agnostic; my own 15mm version plays on a 2x2ft board


If this sounds interesting to you, then I'd love for you to check out the closed playtest! Sign up here:

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