Korvessa  | 27 Apr 2021 9:21 a.m. PST |
I have been working on a Monty Python themed Empire army for Warhammer. It's been fun. This question has to do with me coming up with names for extra figs in the unit with all the main characters from the movie. Anyway, there is one background character that has a fish device on his shield. He is most prominently seen in two scenes: 1) As a additional knight that helps Lancelot rescue Galahad from almost certain temptation 2) The scene with the killer rabbit Lancelot gives the names of three knights who are killed by the rabbit: Bors, Gawain & Ector. It isn't Bors, so that leaves the other two. Is there any way of knowing whether it is Ector or Gawain? A silly, and perhaps impossible question, I know. But sometimes in elite units I like to name all the figs. 'tis a silly hobby sometimes. |
Major Mike | 27 Apr 2021 10:31 a.m. PST |
Well, you cannon forget the King of Swamp Castle and his son Prince Herbert. Then there is Biff and Bash who were the mud fighters and Roger the Shrubber. There is also the Knights X and Y. As for Gwain, he is suppose to have a red shield with a pentagram according to one site. for some "offical" information look here. link |
Glengarry5  | 27 Apr 2021 10:32 a.m. PST |
According to the "monty Python and the holy Grail (Book) script of the film the knight helping to "rescue" Galahad is "possibly plus Gawain". |
javelin98 | 27 Apr 2021 10:54 a.m. PST |
I so badly want to see pics of this project when you're done! And don't forget this: link |
nnascati  | 27 Apr 2021 11:12 a.m. PST |
I just spent a few minutes digging, I love this sort of stuff. I haven't found a single shield with a fish emblazoned on it. If you are sure that's what it is, it is just made up. |
Korvessa  | 27 Apr 2021 11:37 a.m. PST |
nnascati starting around 42:10 (in my Netflix version) and for the next couple of minutes or so – you can see him with Lancelot and one other. He has a black fish device on his shield |
Korvessa  | 27 Apr 2021 11:48 a.m. PST |
Major Mike & Javelin It's a Warhammer army based upon the movie. I tinker with the list a bit – and it is based upon theme, not prowess. I am running a solo campaign vs all the other armies I can muster. Should be around 13-4 by the time I am done. So far the units I have include: Arthur & Knights of the Round Table (A unit of characters & knights featuring Arthur, Lancelot, Bedevere, etc.) Singing Knights of Camelot (Knights) Swamp Castle Legion (recently changed – bills/bows led by Swamp King & the wedding party) Brother Maynard (a Hellblaster cannon) Knights who say Ni (another volley gun) Killer Rabbit Tim the Enchanter Dead Collector I want to do a "steam tank" (because you have to have one when you do empire – it's a rule) – but I haven't decided if I want to do the Trojan Rabbit or a combination of Brother Maynard & the Brothers of Penitence. |
Korvessa  | 27 Apr 2021 12:16 p.m. PST |
oops Forgot a unit: Cult of the Black Knight (great weapons) |
Huscarle | 27 Apr 2021 12:42 p.m. PST |
link Is this the Fish Knight character (on the right)? |
Korvessa  | 27 Apr 2021 1:03 p.m. PST |
Huscarle Yes that is him and I found an image with his shield
nsolomon99 | 27 Apr 2021 1:51 p.m. PST |
Can't help I'm afraid but just wanted to say "well done", wonderful stuff, I applaud your light-heartedness, its a hobby afterall. |
nnascati  | 27 Apr 2021 1:53 p.m. PST |
You could call him Sir Trout, or Sir Carp. |
Captain Oblivious | 27 Apr 2021 1:56 p.m. PST |
Could the Steam Tank be the animated Black Beast of Aaaarrrrgggghhhh?! |
bogdanwaz | 27 Apr 2021 1:57 p.m. PST |
Can't help with the OP question but my son and I did a game at Historicon several years ago based on Spamalot, the musical based on M.P and the Holy Grail. Some pictures here: link link And an AAR here link |
John the OFM  | 27 Apr 2021 3:19 p.m. PST |
HMS Exeter | 27 Apr 2021 3:44 p.m. PST |
korsun0  | 28 Apr 2021 3:25 a.m. PST |
"launcelot does burst in, and he is leading two knights, one with a fish as a crest, and the other with a Y on his tunic. Both knights following Launcelot are completely helmed meaning their faces are obscured so that anyone can play the role in any scene. Gilliam will don a moustache and play a knight in the background, when needed". From: A Book about the Film Monty Python and the Holy Grail: All the References, page 340. Best I can do, sounds like 'an extra' knight…. |
John the OFM  | 28 Apr 2021 5:29 a.m. PST |
Since he's bearing a fish on his shield, maybe he's the Fisher King, from the Grail Romances. One source names him Anfortas. Of course he should be back at his castle moping about, but this is Monty Python. |
Eclectic Wave | 28 Apr 2021 7:12 a.m. PST |
What?!? You don't have a figure for the old man from scene 24? |
Korvessa  | 28 Apr 2021 8:29 a.m. PST |
Eclectic Wave Actually I do…. |
Korvessa  | 28 Apr 2021 9:17 a.m. PST |
To answer the various questions, here is my complete list and what role they usually play in my Warhammer 8th Empire army list: Arthur & Patsy – a mounted general Lancelot & Concorde – a mounted grandmaster Galahad & squire – a mounted Archlector or warrior priest Bedevere & squire – Army Battle Standard Dead Collectors – Level one wizard with a speculum (good for taking out enemy characters) The above five characters are typically attached to a unit of five knights. I don't normally put all my characters in one unit, but thematically & aesthetically I kind of had to. Couldn't have Lancelot & Concorde leading a standard unit of cav for example – it just looks wrong. The attached unit consists of: Robin & Squire – usually a champion or standard bearer Bors & squire Gawain & squire (named as a result of this thread; I have to repaint shield) Robin's minstrels – the unit musicians of course Sir Henry – a made up character who's shield device is a mug of beer (keeping the theme of everyone else in unit, his "horse" is dwarf with a keg of beer) 12 Singing Knights of Camelot – Kind of self-explanatory (mounted on regular horses) Swamp Legion: 18 bills + two sub units of 12 bows. Command stand consists of King of Swamp Castle (unit champion), his son (musician) & future daughter in law (unit standard) The front row of bills contain: "4 rude French knights" Cult of the Black Knight: Black Knight & 39 foot knights in plate & great weapons Knights who say Ni: A Hellblaster volley gun. The Michael Palin character is the gun – complete with shrubbery; two of the forest knights represent the crew & one represents an engineer. Brother Maynard & the Holy Hand Grenade: another volley gun: Brother Maynard & one other brother are the guns, with two others representing the crew. The wise man from scene 24 is their engineer Tim the Enchanter: A fire wizard of course Two units that aren't in the movie, but were needed to round out the army list, as I needed some light cavalry. Sir Perceval's Blue Bays (6 mounted light crossbows) Sie Ector's Chestnut Raiders (6 mounted light crossbows) The following are on order, but I haven't figured out what to do with them yet: Brothers of Penitence (4 figs) Sisters of Castle Anthrax (3 figs) One thought was to combine Brother Maynard & company with the Brothers of Penitence and make them a steam tank. No clue what to do with the sisters. Killer Rabbit: Plays various things depending on scenario. I haven't yet, but in the future, it may be on the enemy side. But that might throw off the aesthetics (all the enemies are standard armies). Black Beast: I have only been able to find two on line – both of which appear to be 3D printed. I tried one, but it was too small. There is another larger (and he also makes a three headed knight) I might try, but they look to lack detail. I also checked with the company that did all of the main characters (Studio Miniatures) – they tell me they have them in the works, so I will likely just wait & see on the Black Beats & 3-headed knight. The "filler" stuff (singing knights, light cavalry & infantry) are from Perry Brothers. I also have a couple Gripping Beast and Reapers thrown in, |
Captain Oblivious | 28 Apr 2021 11:49 a.m. PST |
korsun0  | 29 Apr 2021 2:17 a.m. PST |
Do you have a role for the Swallow (African or European)? |
CeruLucifus | 01 May 2021 1:02 p.m. PST |
I saw this done years ago at a couple WFB tournaments as a Bretonnian army. I never played the owner, a lady, but talked to players that did, and they claimed the game was a laugh fest as the owner kept mimicking voices and lines from the movie. I believe the owner dropped out of the scene around WFB 6th edition as there was a GW tournament rule requiring GW models that many players took too seriously. In practice it meant your army's non-GW miniatures would be excluded from photographs. Anyway, what about the Bring Out Your Dead cart proxying for the Steam Tank? |