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"28mm Vietnam Figures?" Topic

8 Posts

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troopwo Supporting Member of TMP15 Mar 2021 11:22 a.m. PST

Been a while since I dwelved into it, so who is still around and who are the new manufacturers?

I know there are even a few small scale companies too, anyone have a listing of them?

What ever happened to Baker company?

Bismarck15 Mar 2021 11:30 a.m. PST

Sadly, all my Vietnam figures are 20s.
But for some beyond gorgeous, well sculpted and incredible
detail, you do not have to go any further than Gringo 40s
or Empress. Sure wish they had been around 10-15 years ago.
Both lines need to be seen to be believed! Probably some
of the best sculpts ever done.

troopwo Supporting Member of TMP15 Mar 2021 12:14 p.m. PST

I started back when the top three were Force of Arms, the Assault Group and Baker Company.

Force of Arms were stunning but limited in types and now sadly I hope John is ok.

The Assauly Group were nice.

Baker Company had a fair number of ranges. NVA, VC, USA, USMC, ANZAC and even ARVN. They seem to have disappeared.

Nice to see both Empress and Gringo40.

Anyone have any Full Metal Minitaures to compare?

BadMoon15 Mar 2021 12:43 p.m. PST

All of my Vietnam figures are either 20mm or 15mm, however there are a lot of 28mm figure enthusiasts over at the Fields of Fire: Reloaded Forum


Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP15 Mar 2021 1:25 p.m. PST

A Gringos 40 LT next to a FMM figure of Catherine Leroy, war photographer. She was diminutive but FMM are generally BIG figures


Unpainted FMM stretcher bearer next to the Gringos figure makes the point

Now this is someone else's photo shown on this site, nicely showing FMM up against Empress, smallest sized figures of the three ranges. Plus apologies to whoever did post this!

Unpainted Empress next to two Gringos


The FMM stretcher party. The helmets went wrong somewhere and I tried to improve the shape but never did succeed. I really liked this set

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP15 Mar 2021 6:54 p.m. PST

Battle Honors still makes a range. There figures are on the smaller size of the 25mm-28mm spectrum.

Cerdic15 Mar 2021 11:01 p.m. PST

Here you go, a list…


Bravo Six18 Mar 2021 6:00 a.m. PST

What ever happened to Baker company?

Troopwp, in "theory" Baker Company is still out there but they're not trading at the moment. Gavin told me last year his casting machine broke down and he was trying to find someone to cast the minis for him. To this day, there's still no firm update.

IMHO, Full Metal Miniatures VC and NVA are a nice compliment to Robi's work on the BCOY range and Simon is a hell of a nice guy to deal with. I can't comment on the FMM US figures as I don't have any. BCOY US grunts make up the bulk of my collection and the FMM VC, NVA and Civilians work well together with the BCOY grunts.

Just my .02

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