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"Splintered Light Miniatures - great service to the Uk" Topic

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1,479 hits since 24 Feb 2021
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Plastic bucket24 Feb 2021 2:09 p.m. PST

Just received my first order from David at Splintered Light and have to say I'm impressed; quick delivery, no customs shenanigans and some lovely minis.

The Dark age range will kick-off a Northman themed warband for my new 15mm Frostgrave project and the adventurers will go nicely with the Demonworld mercenaries for a westerners themed band.

Plenty of great choices in 15mm fantasy right now – lucky us.

Given up for good25 Feb 2021 7:50 a.m. PST

Interested to know how the customs / tax side worked.

I'm reading a lot depends on the order value / carrier / UK location (N.I. vs mainland) but unsure so have held off for now.

Always had great service from the 15mm guys in the US (Khurasan / SL / Rebel) – and the UK ones TBH :-)

mc deli25 Mar 2021 1:38 p.m. PST

Nice to read this as I placed an order to the EU 3 weeks ago and it's been radio silence (still pending review(?)).

Also it's good to hear you got a delivery but the Splintered Light says he is not going to shop to the UK until further notice.

I'm starting to think something's not right here – I hope he is OK.

doc mcb23 Apr 2021 6:38 a.m. PST

David is okay but VERY busy.

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