Uesugi Kenshin  | 17 Feb 2021 9:05 a.m. PST |
In your mini gaming career. Assuming you can remember them all. Table top only, no video or computer games. Me: D&D first edition, Empire of the Petal Throne, Twilight 2000, The Morrow Project, Gamma World, |
myxemail  | 17 Feb 2021 9:18 a.m. PST |
D&D first edition AD&D Paranoia Boot Hill Gamma World |
JimSelzer | 17 Feb 2021 9:18 a.m. PST |
old box D&D AD&D 3rd ed D&D Pathfinder Traveller many versions Gamma World Metamorphius Alpha twilight 2000 top secret west end star wars fasa Star trek empire f the petal throne aliens runequest Elric gurps horseclans and many others En Garde |
Tom Reed | 17 Feb 2021 9:27 a.m. PST |
D&D Pathfinder Twilight 2000 Traveller Champions WEG Star Wars En Garde Mutants & Masterminds Gurps Runequest and others I can't recall |
20thmaine  | 17 Feb 2021 9:29 a.m. PST |
D&D -original (white box) Basic D&D AD&D (we didn't call it 1st edition, but 1st Edition!) Traveller Metamorphis Alpha Gamma World Golden heroes (original pre-GW version) Tunnels & Trolls Call of C'thulhu Runequest Knights of the Round Table Stormbringer (the Elric version of Runequest) Space Patrol Space 1899 Dragon Quest Magic Realm Some others I don't recall I expect…  Plus some homegrown games – superheroes, C'thulhu, 17th Century Horror |
miniMo  | 17 Feb 2021 9:40 a.m. PST |
In addition to others already mentioned: The Fantasy Trip (and back again now with the recent deluxe editions!) Toon Paranoia Bushido Savage Worlds |
DisasterWargamer  | 17 Feb 2021 9:54 a.m. PST |
D&D AD&D 1st Edition Empire of the Petal Throne Castles and Crusaders Melee, Wizard, The Fantasy Trip Emerald Tablet Runequest Tunnels and Trolls and Bushido |
robert piepenbrink  | 17 Feb 2021 9:59 a.m. PST |
In my mini gaming career, I have played none. In my RPG career, I played D&D and AD&D. |
Palewarrior | 17 Feb 2021 10:23 a.m. PST |
Rolemaster MERP Star Wars Dark Sun, only a couple of evenings Shadowrun Pathfinder AD&D the 1st d20 version Almost started an Aftermath campaign |
Herkybird  | 17 Feb 2021 10:28 a.m. PST |
DandD -still have the books! Many of my skirmish games have the same vibe, role playing a character from game to game. |
Uesugi Kenshin  | 17 Feb 2021 10:35 a.m. PST |
One I forgot to add that's debatable as to being an RPG was the original "Rogue Trader" in 1987. I leave it up to the group as to whether it should be included or not. |
SpuriousMilius | 17 Feb 2021 10:36 a.m. PST |
Original D&D & 2 later editions Boothill Traveller En Garde Bushido My group tried others that are listed for 1 or 2 games but we didn't continue a campaign with them. Tho not an RPG as such, I ran 3 campaigns using "The City State of the Invincible Overlord" setting for D&D. |
Red3584 | 17 Feb 2021 11:16 a.m. PST |
D&D AD&D AD&D 2nd edition Call of Cthulhu Space Opera Aftermath Gamma World Traveller Pathfinder Champions Superworld Daredevils Bushido The One Ring MERP Star Wars (various versions) C&S Pendragon Tunnels & Trolls GURPS Fantasy Hero Paranoia James Bond 007 …and many others that I can't remember. We're currently playing in a Dragonquest campaign. |
Major Mike | 17 Feb 2021 11:32 a.m. PST |
Asteroid by GDW and Swashbuckler by Yaquinto. |
Moonbeast | 17 Feb 2021 12:35 p.m. PST |
D&D AD&D AD&D 2nd edition AD&D 3rd edition AD&D 3.5 edition AD&D 4th edition AD&D 5th edition AD&D Dark Sun AD&D Ravenloft AD&D Planescape Call of Cthulhu all editions Cthulhu Now Space Opera Aftermath Gamma World Traveller Pathfinder Champions Star Wars (all versions) Top Secret Legend of the Five Rings all editions Marrow Project Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Palladium Fantasy Rifts Palladium Robotech Marvel Superheros Vampire The Masquerade Werewolf Heavy Gear Cyberpunk basic box Cyberpunk 2020 Fading Suns Shadow Run and more I can't think of now |
Pocho Azul | 17 Feb 2021 12:36 p.m. PST |
D&D first edition, Tunnels and Trolls Empire of the Petal Throne, Metamorphosis Alpha, Chivalry and Sorcery, Traveler, En Garde, Runequest, Boot Hill, An early 1980s superhero rpg, not sure which one, The Fantasy Trip, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay |
Martin Rapier | 17 Feb 2021 12:56 p.m. PST |
D&D original Tunnels and Trolls Runequest Traveller Call of Cthulhu various homegrown |
Corporal Fagen | 17 Feb 2021 1:18 p.m. PST |
D&D original AD&D Marvel Super Heroes DC Heroes |
Mister Tibbles  | 17 Feb 2021 1:29 p.m. PST |
I actively DM'ed (rarely played) RPGs from the late 1970s until 1990. I quit when I was in my early 30s and was a family man. Got back into it for a while with the family in the early 2000s playing Star Wars prequels using action figures. Now at age 60, I look back at those years as many of the best times of my life. Thanks for bringing back those memories, Uesugi! D&D 1E AD&D 1E D&D Basic, Expert (became our favorite D&D version) Call of Cthulhu 1E & 2E (best RPG games and campaigns I ever ran! All homemade.) Traveller MegaTraveller Twilight 2000 RuneQuest 2E & 3E DragonQuest (SPI & TSR) (This got me into miniature gaming) Universe (SPI) Pirates & Plunder (best forgotten) Star Wars (WotC d20) Star Wars (FFG) (my favorite SW system) Dawn Patrol Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (1E) Thieves Guild If you ask what RPGs and suppliments do I own, I would have to upload a spreadsheet! Dragons horde gold. I horde RPG rulebooks, supplements, and magazines! ;-) |
Uesugi Kenshin  | 17 Feb 2021 1:55 p.m. PST |
My pleasure Tibbles! I wish I could have gamed with you! |
Timbo W | 17 Feb 2021 3:07 p.m. PST |
D&D Basic/Expert AD&D 1st edition Call of Cthulhu Runequest Paranoia Warhammer v1 roleplaying rules at the back of the wargames rules not the RPG Gurps MERP Though only the D&Ds and MERP with any regularity, and that was 30 years ago… |
khanscom | 17 Feb 2021 3:28 p.m. PST |
Original ed. D&D EPT Arduin Metamorphosis Alpha Squadron UK Superhero 44 En Garde! Runequest …and I'd include Crimson Skies and Necromunda since both are very much oriented to character development. |
mildbill | 17 Feb 2021 4:00 p.m. PST |
D & D white box D & D whatever the first version was after white box. Recon, prolly the best RPG I played. Read thru En Garde, gotta love a game that rewards toadying. O yeh, Traveller. Liked First Strike better, but not strickly an RPG. |
Stryderg  | 17 Feb 2021 4:13 p.m. PST |
AD&D Twilight 2000 Paranoia (fun times, that one) Some superhero game, I was "The Cloud" |
Goober | 17 Feb 2021 5:33 p.m. PST |
In chronological order Star Frontiers Basic D&D (Red, Blue, Green, Black boxes) AD&D Paranoia RECON Call of Cthulhu Gumshoe Dragon Warriors Top Secret Marvel Superheroes Traveller FASA Star Trek Twilight: 2000 GW Judge Dredd Star Wars WEG Champions Traveller 2300/2300AD CYBERPUNK Mekton GURPS assorted settings. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Deadlands Millenniums End Earthdawn Lot5R MERP Spaceamaster Pendragon Feng Shui Savage Worlds WoD Vampire WoD Werewolf WoD Mage Wod Changeling Traveller New Era LUG Star Trek Exalted 7th Sea Mutants and Masterminds Brave New World Stargate Farscape Conspiracy X Mongoose Judge Dredd WOTC Star Wars Lightspeed WoD 2nd Edition Changeling 4th Edition D&D Eclipse Phase Lone Wolf 5th Edition D&D Tales from the Loop Infinity 2d20 The One Ring The Laundry Files Mongoose Traveller/Mgt 2300AD Cyberpunk Red |
ChrisBrantley | 17 Feb 2021 7:18 p.m. PST |
Actually played……. D&D booklets and basic (red box) edition AD&D 1e, plus 2e,5e Traveller Boot Hill Gamma World Paranoia Top Secret |
Parzival  | 17 Feb 2021 9:06 p.m. PST |
D&D (Holmes "Blue Book") AD&D (aka 1e) D&D BECMI series/Rules Cyclopedia.— currently DMing this online D&D 5e (Currently playing) Pathfinder 2.0– cannot recommend, will not play again Traveller (1980s) Marvel Super Heroes RPG (aka FASERIP) Gangbusters (once) Crimefighters! (Dragon Magazine) Twilight 2000 (once) Space Opera (once— seriously disliked it) Star Frontiers Gamma World (once) I also owned but never played Paranoia, DC Heroes, GURPS, and Advanced Marvel Super Heroes. One of the bright spots of this whole social-distancing situation is that I have discovered the possibilities of online gaming. Now I can play with friends no matter where they live. (I'm currently DMing an onlineD&D game with some TMP old timers from back in the day, and we're having a blast!) |
USAFpilot | 17 Feb 2021 10:53 p.m. PST |
I own a few, but for actually playing only two: AD&D (now called ‘D&D 1st edition) – many years of play Star Frontiers – only played one module |
The Last Conformist | 18 Feb 2021 7:00 a.m. PST |
Ignoring homebrews … The Guide to Adventure Eon Mutant Chronicles Western Call of Cthulhu Stormbringer D&D (2nd and 4th editions) Dresden Files Fate Core Ork! Hackmaster Legend of the Five Rings Vampire the Requiem Changeling the Lost Hunter the Vigil New World of Darkness (mortals) City of Mist Barbarians of Lemuria Apocalypse World Dungeon World Fiasco Shadowrun Gamma World Old School Hack Everyone is John Kobolds Ate My Baby Paranoia Fading Suns The Dying Earth I am doubtlessly forgetting something. A few I've played for dozens or hundreds of sessions – CoC probably wins – others just once. |
Eumelus  | 18 Feb 2021 11:42 a.m. PST |
Anyone else ever played Everway? |
Editor in Chief Bill  | 18 Feb 2021 12:45 p.m. PST |
For a poll, a better question would be: Which 5 RPGs have you played the most? |
Uesugi Kenshin  | 18 Feb 2021 1:12 p.m. PST |
Yes Bill, absolutely. I'm sure that would make your job easier. ;-) As an aside, I always wanted to play Paranoia. It seemed like such a great idea but I never found enough players for it. |
Chimpy | 19 Feb 2021 1:59 a.m. PST |
D and D AD and D (1st ed) Traveller Traveller 2300 MERP Bought lots of others but never played like Palladium and Blood and Lust (but the last sounded really exciting!) But mainly I liked wargames so played these instead. |
Oberlindes Sol LIC  | 19 Feb 2021 8:58 p.m. PST |
D&D 1st ed Advanced D&D Bushido Aftermath Rune Quest Traveller all versions except T4 Call of Cthulhu Delta Green Chivalry and Sorcery There are others. I'll post them if I can remember them. |
Oberlindes Sol LIC  | 19 Feb 2021 9:00 p.m. PST |
Oh right, add these: Star Trek RPG Empire of the Petal Throne Space: 1889 |
etotheipi  | 20 Feb 2021 6:51 a.m. PST |
A bunch of the above, but not as many as several have posted. My additions to the already very extensive list: Dragon Age HoL Homebrew I suppose Homebrew could be listed as: Homebrew – mine Homebrew – someone else's |
MadHawke | 24 Feb 2021 3:14 p.m. PST |
D&D first edition (for a short time) The Fantasy Trip (for many years) Dragonquest (for a very short time) Chivalry & Sorcery D&D 3rd Edition The Fantasy Trip latest (currently playing) |
Oberlindes Sol LIC  | 09 Mar 2022 8:10 p.m. PST |
The poll is set up with multiple rounds, in each of which we pick 5. It's quite possible to have more than 5 in some rounds, and maybe 0 in other rounds, so I don't think that this is a good structure for this particular poll. |
QUATERMASS | 12 Mar 2022 4:56 a.m. PST |
In order TSR's advanced marvel super heroes. Mayfair games inc's CHILL. TSR AD&D don't know which ed. wizards of the coast's AD&D 3rd & 3.5 ed's. Pinnicle's Savage World's 1eg & dulux ed. |
Darkkwulfe | 25 Mar 2022 1:05 p.m. PST |
D&D 1e Ad&d 1e,2e plus Dark Sun and Ravenloft Dragonlance Palladium Fantasy,Robotech,Rifts,Heros unlimited, and RECON Shadowrun Warhammer Fantasy RPG 1e Fantasy Flight:Dark Hersey,Rogue Trader,Deathwatch,Only War, And Black Crusade Traveller 2300/2300ad Star Wars (Westend) Star Trek (fasa,Last unicorn, and Modiphius) Robotech Macross Saga (SMG) Alternity (TSR) Twilight 2000 1e,2e,and 2.2e Cyberpunk 2020 Dr. Who (FASA) Tales from the Floating Vagabond (avalon Hill) Heavy Gear Marvel Superheroes (TSR) Mekton Boothill 1e Gangbusters (TSR) Beat to Quarters Duty& Honor |
custosarmorum  | 27 Mar 2022 4:36 p.m. PST |
AD&D (the mid to late 1970s version) Traveler Chivalry & Sorcery Twilight 2000 |
infojunky | 21 Jun 2022 6:51 p.m. PST |
Traveller Some flavor of DnD Champions and related Hero products Another version of Traveller Honestly Mostly Traveller in various flavors And a Bit of GURPS |
MikeMonaco | 06 Jul 2022 7:43 a.m. PST |
D&D (all versions except OD&D, BECMI and Holmes) Boot Hill Gamma World Villains & Vigilantes Champions Fantasy Wargaming Rolemaster MERPS GURPS (so.much.GURPS) Torg Shadowrun Star Wars Amazing Engine Talislanta Midnight Over the Edge Call of Cthulhu DragonQuest Psi World Space Opera Castles & Crusades WHFRP Dungeon World Savage Worlds Capes Blades in the Dark Palladium FRPG FATE Star Frontiers Marvel Super Heroes Paranoia Top Secret Cyberpunk 2020 James Bond 007 lots of homebrew stuff I can't really name a bunch of one-shots in minor systems I forget Top five in terms of most played, would be AD&D, GURPS, B/X D&D, Boot Hill, Rolemaster (including MERPS) |