"Late Galatians" Topic
8 Posts
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Tango01  | 16 Feb 2021 9:38 p.m. PST |
Good job!
From here link Amicalement Armand
Legionarius | 17 Feb 2021 7:46 a.m. PST |
Beautiful paint job. However, they seem more like a fantasy army than historical Galatians to me. |
Shagnasty  | 17 Feb 2021 8:23 a.m. PST |
Beautiful paint job but the uniformity seems unlikely, especially for people of Celtic descent. |
Tango01  | 17 Feb 2021 12:23 p.m. PST |
Glad you like the paint job my friends! (smile) Amicalement Armand |
evilgong | 17 Feb 2021 3:47 p.m. PST |
These are Galatians fighting for one of the hellenistic forces so uniformity could be expected. If my eyes are up to it, the owner put 'King Antiochus' on the flag in Greek. I guess I should read the link…. db |
JJartist | 17 Feb 2021 6:15 p.m. PST |
The Angus McBride artwork is based on a number of source items. But these Newline 20mm do look good as a unit. I Too would prefer some cloak color variations,and I'm now spoiled by multiple poses in a unit. But these really shine as a solid group of mercenaries that anybody can employ. The Basileus Antiochus is quite commendable work in this scale. Hats off! |
Tango01  | 18 Feb 2021 12:27 p.m. PST |
Happy you like them too my friend!. Amicalement Armand |
ToneTW | 22 Feb 2021 10:17 a.m. PST |
Thank you to Armand saving me the job of sharing to TMP I often struggle to get the time to do the online bit of the hobby and cover all bases (and for the painting side recently) Thank you all also for the comments. Based these guys on McBrides beautiful plate of Demetrius II's Parthian Campaign from Sekunda's montvert publication on the Seleucid army, (Ancient Warfare mag combined a few of these plates re done and combined in an article on Antiochus IV's reforms?). Sekunda has a few terracotta statues noted as Galatians, which he concludes are wearing "grotesque masks" as the Galatians of that point preferred a clean shaven look! Sekunda is always an interesting read. Whether he is correct or not I am always inspired by the art work itself and any tenuous leap is good enough if it looks cool to me :-D My mercenary and royal units are no stanger to the generous QM dept of the Seleucid army my silvershields are decked out in uniformed purple tunics :-D |