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Battle-Market: Tannenberg 1410

The Editor tries out a boardgame - yes, a boardgame - from battle-market magazine.

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Dervel Fezian returns from Mexico with a new vision for making palm trees from scratch.

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1,233 hits since 15 Feb 2021
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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the chink between15 Feb 2021 11:57 a.m. PST

… and should land in SoA member's postboxes in the next few days! Here is the cover picture, together with a list of the contents and a short summary of each article , or go to {the SoA news page} for more information..



The view from the editor's chair and brief news about the Battle Day, responses to the plea for articles, the forthcoming virtual Society conference and the Slingshot contributors' prizes.


Yet more, erudite exchanges between members about recent articles.  Passionate yet polite.  Informed yet open minded.  Still, there's time.  It's been a cold February but the Ides of March approach.

Sea Eagles of Empire – The Classis Britannica, Roman Britain's Regional Fleet by Simon Elliott

The Society's new chairman examines Britain's first navy that was Roman and proved crucial – and highly effective – in the Empire's piecemeal conquest of most of the island and in its subsequent invasions of Scotland.

T'ang Fastic Outpost by Steven Bowns

The T'ang Dynasty took China to its greatest territorial extent. Steven Bowns examines the T'ang troop types available in 15mm at Outpost Wargames and takes us through his creation of a complete DBMM T'ang army. Have a close look at how he makes spears: it's brilliant!

Arthurian Campaign by Martin Smith

Looking for campaign rules for post-Roman Britain that are simple, easy and, above all, fun? Martin Smith's system perfectly fits the bill, not only as regards the campaign aspects but also the battles themselves, fought with some unique mechanisms that produced a number of surprises.

The Gothic Wagon Laager at Adrianople by Jens Peter Kutz

How big was the Gothic laager at Adrianople? What was its shape? How was it constructed? How many warriors could it accommodate? Jens Kutz investigates these questions using careful historical research and comes up with some fascinating answers.

Roman Tactical Acumen at Cannae by Justin Swanton

Hannibal's Italian campaign is commonly viewed as a military genius who effortlessly defeated Roman armies one after the other. Hannibal however did not always win in Italy, and at Cannae he would need luck as well as ability to beat Paullus' shrewd generalship so overwhelmingly.

Placing Table Terrain for Double DBA3 by Neville Dickenson

Neville Dickenson offers an original way of setting up terrain for double DBA, with a new method of using dice to make the process fun. DBA fans are encouraged to try it out and let us know how it works for them.

Slingshot Book & Game Reviews Including reviews of:

Greece Against Rome: The Fall of the Hellenistic Kingdoms 250-31 BC by Philip Matyszak, reviewed by Duncan Head;

Talons and Fangs of the Eastern Han Warlords: A study of warriors and warlords during the Three Kingdoms era by Lu Yimin, reviewed by Duncan Head;

The Crisis of Rome: The Jugurthine and Northern Wars and the Rise of Marius by Gareth C. Sampson, reviewed by: Jim Webster.

And last but not least the … Results of the SOA Championship 2020!

Bolingar15 Feb 2021 10:52 p.m. PST

Nicely done, Chris!

Yesthatphil16 Feb 2021 2:52 p.m. PST

Nice *thumbs up!*


Berthier217 Feb 2021 11:11 a.m. PST


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