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Albus Malum15 Feb 2021 9:22 a.m. PST

Watched this Youtube video YouTube link which where you can now get STLs for printing 10mm fantasy figures designed for GW Warmaster. Being able to 3d print 10mm armies is quite appealing. Most everything (STL's) that people are creating are not useable at such a small scale, but finally, someone is producing something for smaller scale wargaming. Hurray!

I personally am into 15mm but these should scale up to 15mm easily.

People being able to 3d print decent small scale armies could really revive the small scale wargames like Warmaster, or anyone wanting to play miniature games with smaller miniatures.

These were from a patreon named Forest Dragon, and a few off thingiverse. There was also a recent KS for Roman 15mm STL from 3dBreed Miniatures that recently finished (who also recently did a 15mm WW2 line of STLs. With these, and hopefully other, soon people will be able to 3d print entire small scale armies.

With a resin printer, these would print up fast and would use very little resin for a large quantity of miniatures, and the resin printers can do an excellent job on quality, even some things that cant even be cast in small scale is possible with a 3d printer.

Print on! Game on!

Personal logo aegiscg47 Supporting Member of TMP15 Feb 2021 10:58 a.m. PST

There's already quite a few metal ranges in 10mm, so the scale seems to be doing fine without the 3D printing option. If you have one of the high end dental printers you can do some incredible models in 6 and 10mm, but the average printers seem to struggle with those scales. The main issue is not getting the figs, but getting gamers to paint them. I know gamers who have 3D printers and are printing up figs, buildings, etc., but they just sit in a pile of stuff much the same way that their metal figs did.

clibinarium15 Feb 2021 11:42 a.m. PST

I have a bog standard Elegoo Mars printer and I have got some decent results printing the Forest Dragon sculpts at 10mm and 15mm. Just as proof of concept; I'm not that interested in the figs (though they are really nice). They came out very nicely.

That said, they were a bit brittle with the resin I used, but you could get a better resin. As people often say though- 3d printing is a hobby in itself, and if you don't like taking mould lines off metal figures you should forego 3d printing as its a fair bit of hassle.

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP15 Feb 2021 4:23 p.m. PST

I've been printing 6mm and 15mm figs for a year now. They print off fine on my resin printers. Resin stl files have made Warmaster of interest to me again. I am going to print off two armies in 10mm to go with my GW 10mm High Elves. The cost for the two resin armies likely will be under
10 bucks per army. I would think that's a huge incentive in bringing more players to Warmaster. I've been looking at Warmaster revolution due to those files.



Albus Malum16 Feb 2021 11:07 p.m. PST

aegiscg47 Yep, Piles of resin instead of Piles of Lead.

clibinarium Just curious, what resin are you using?

John Leahy I havent printed any 6 or 15 yet,(im into 15mm) but like you said, a new 10mm army would be under 10 bucks in resin.

The cold and life has had my printer sitting idle for the last couple months, but I am eager to try printing these.

clibinarium17 Feb 2021 5:27 p.m. PST

I've used Elegoo water washable- which I thought would be less harmful to the environment, but not really, the off run is just as hazardous as any, despite some videos showing it being washed in a sink (absolutely do not do that). Plus it's pretty brittle so that it's not suitable for 10mm.

Then I got standard grey which was less brittle, but still not robust. I was doing masters partially with it and sculpting on extra stuff the old fashioned way, but there was a danger of breaking it while handling.

Got some ABS-like Grey last week and it seems to have a bit of flex and doesn't break anywhere near as easily. Though some of my brittle past prints may have been overcured, so its hard to know exactly.
I hear great things about SyriaTech Sculpt, but its hard to get in Europe, so haven't tried it yet.

Albus Malum17 Feb 2021 8:23 p.m. PST

Currently ( havent printed in a few months though, need to start again) Ive been using a mix of Siraya Fast ABS like with about 20 percent Siraya Tenacious. It has a little less detail, but my miniatures are much much more durable. I was have much difficulties with the other resins I was using be too brittle for minis. If you can get some Tenacious, and add it to your mix (10-15%) it helps a lot. For some of my other resin I tried, I as able to clean with SimpleGreen, but the simplegreen doesnt work well with the above mix. Acetone works well on it though, as a alternative to IPA which became hard to acquire do to the paranoia. ( been able to do some painting when I wasnt printing, hehe)

I dont know about the sculpt, think its has some other purposes, so adding some tenacious may be a better ticket then the sculpt, depending on your machine (Monochromatic or not)

javelin9818 Feb 2021 4:23 p.m. PST

I have some Warmaster-inspired STLs here, as well:

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