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"28mm Heads for Heroclix Bodies?" Topic

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Thresher0122 Jan 2021 11:38 p.m. PST

I'd like to do some converting of Heroclix figs, in order to add more pose variety, and different looks (I don't want a clone army, and some selections are rather limited).

I was thinking that perhaps some 28mm heads (those from Crooked Dice) might be a partial solution for some figures I'd like to modify/assemble.

Has anyone done this, and/or heard of or seen someone do this with their figures?

I suspect the 28mm heads, which generally are proportional, if not a little large sometimes, might fit okay on the 27mm – 32mm/33mm, or so figures produced by Heroclix.

Any info you can shed on that will be appreciated, including, even dimensions for the various heads, if that's the only thing you know about, e.g. look for something similar to the "Female Minions" from them.

dBerczerk23 Jan 2021 4:18 a.m. PST

King's Mountain Miniatures produces a wide variety of 28mm heads for their American War of Independence range of figures. Although designed for the AWI, many of the heads could have wider applications for figure conversions: Animal Fur Hats, Bare Heads, Bandaged Heads, Scottish Berets, etc.

The heads are just a bit larger than those on many 28mm figures such as Perry Miniatures, Front Rank, and such, but still quite nice for converting figures by those manufacturers.


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