Ah, I think I've finally hit on a decent solution for my SHADO personnel.
The Star Trek Next Generation figures (Heroclix) basically look like they're wearing track suits/sweats, so I'm thinking they may be useful figures for some SHADO personnel who wore very similar attire. Obviously, they'll need a repaint, and some may need belts and/or boots added too, but they're the closest I've run across in my searches for useful figs for them, other than the Crooked Dice minis which offer a few very much needed figures – Aliens and Straker.
Not sure how they'll match up size-wise with the 28mm figs, since the Clix figs are about 32mm or so, foot to eye, but I think they'll do in a pinch. Those poor, starving aliens could have stunted growth due to a lack of resources on their planet, which is why they are coming here, and I can live with Straker being a bit shorter too, if needed.
I'm planning on using a variety of other figs for the female SHADO personnel, and thankfully, there is a decent selection of them in rather form-fitting attire, and even a couple in miniskirts also.
Not sure if I'll do headswaps for the Moonbase girls, or just assume over time the regulations loosened, and longer hair was permitted, if desired. I'll probably go with the purple wig scheme though regardless, just to set the mood.
When I've had time to check, I'll let you know how the C.D. minis go with the Heroclix figs, and maybe even post a few pics. With a bit of repainting, figure conversions, and perhaps some scratch-built weaponry, hopefully SHADO will be able to stave off the alien invasions effectively in short order.
Still looking for some decent figs/poses for Paul Foster, Virginia Lake, Henderson, and perhaps some others too, but I think I've got a decent proxy for Gabrielle in a miniskirt.
Feel free to float ideas for others.
Would like to find some decent, futuristic looking, stand-in cars for Straker and Foster too, since Straker's ride on eBay is going for a bit too much for me to bear.
Perhaps some nice, Ferraris, Lotus', Porsches, or Lambos, if nothing else suitable is available.