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"Fenian Raid Wargame in 54mm" Topic

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2,257 hits since 4 Jan 2021
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Nick Stern Supporting Member of TMP04 Jan 2021 11:23 a.m. PST

Originally posted on the Facebook A Gentleman's War Group: Inspired by Ross Macfarlane's reports of battles along the US Canadian border, I collected enough Fort Henry Guard figures to try out a Battle of Ridgeway game with the addition of unhistorical artillery and cavalry on both sides. I played remotely with David Smith, a retired history teacher and wargamer who has written several articles on the Fenian Raids. I used TSATF rules, since we both know them well and I thought that the way in which the majority of hits result in wounds would better mirror the historically low causality rate of the conflict. The two sides were evenly matched and that resulted in both sides trading volleys behind stone fences. The cavalry played no part and the artillery was pretty useless until the last turn when David put my artillery piece out of action with 2 hits. We called the game in the Canadian's favour after the Fenian's sustained 27 casualties, 9 of whom were KIA. You can see I recycled my ACW "Ragged Rebs" for the Fenians, only adding some green Fenian flags. I thought the contrast between the varied action poses of the Fenians and the stolid poses of the Canadians worked well. I used big white casualty rings so that David, who was playing the Canadians, could see them on his screen. 1 ring signified a wound, 2 a kill.










Extrabio1947 Supporting Member of TMP04 Jan 2021 1:52 p.m. PST

Very nice. H.G. Wells would approve!

Those Tiger Zouaves pop up everywhere, don't they? 😃

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP04 Jan 2021 2:01 p.m. PST

Great battle – I agree HG Wells would have loved it and thanks for sharing!

Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP04 Jan 2021 5:10 p.m. PST

I love to see Britains Figures in action. What were the bright green figures originally. Wells would have like the great scenery, so much better than his blocks and twigs:) Were the cannons shooting actual projectiles?

epturner04 Jan 2021 5:42 p.m. PST

That's fantastic!

I'm slowly working on converting AIP Egyptians to be Canadian militia.

This is very inspiring.


Nick Stern Supporting Member of TMP04 Jan 2021 9:19 p.m. PST

Thanks for all the kind words. There was a unit of former Louisiana Tigers at Ridgeway, but by all accounts they didn't sport their Zouave uniforms. I felt that the Fenians needed a little more color. Bobgnar, the green uniformed figures are Britains London Rifle Brigade. Don't look too closely as they have magazine rifles. epturner, I too was inspired by Ken of All the King's Men Toy Soldiers. I wish his company was still around.

Nottingham Wargames16 Feb 2021 6:00 a.m. PST

Highly enjoyable. Thanks for posting!

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