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"scale help: 1/50 and 1/43 to 1/72" Topic

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Makhno191818 Dec 2020 6:23 a.m. PST

hi all, a little embarrassed to be asking this, but math is my kryptonite and i cant find a converter online (at least one i can figure out).
I'm about to print some paper models. I'm hoping to end up with 1/72 scale. I have one file that's 1/50 models, and another that's 1/43.

What I need to know specifically is when I send it to the printer, what percentage size I should print each at for them to end up close to 1/72 scale. any help greatly appreciated!

John Armatys18 Dec 2020 6:31 a.m. PST

for the 1/50 scale one = 50/72 = 69.44%
For the 1/43 scale one = 43/72 = 59.72%

DyeHard18 Dec 2020 7:31 a.m. PST

While John Armatys has provided the exact answer.

And the math is not really all that tricky, paper models are popular enough that many resources are available on the web.

I find these useful to re-enforce my calculations and can also be use for figuring scale conversions for 3D printing.

For example:

I find the above very convenient to use.
But more can be found listed here:

Makhno191818 Dec 2020 8:05 a.m. PST

thanks, I really appreciate it. I'll check out those resources for next time. have a good weekend

Personal logo Dye4minis Supporting Member of TMP18 Dec 2020 6:49 p.m. PST

While many manufacturers will measure people from bottom of feet to top of head, others measure to across the eyes; others say people are 6 heads high. Don't forget that the thickness of the cast on base also increases height as does the headgear. Quickly you learn that not all are using the same measuring standards! The numbers don't lie! Here is an easy way to go between the fractional SCALE (useful when you are looking for models that will best fit with your figure collection) and back to mm SIZE:

6 feet of measuring= 1800mm Divide by the denominator of the fractional scale and the result is in mm.

1/43= 1800 divided by 43= 41.86046511627907 or 42mm
1/50= 1800 divided by 50= 36mm
1/72= 1800 divided by 72= 25mm

The opposite it true! Divide the size (in mm) into 1800 and the result will be the denominator of the fractional scale.

6mm = 1800 divided by 6 = 300 (1/300th scale)
10mm = 1800 divided by 10= 180 (1/180th scale)
15mm = 1800 divided by 15= 120 (1/120th scale)
18mm = 1800 divided by 18= 100 (1/100th scale)
20mm = 1800 divided by 20= 90 (1/ 90th scale)

Hope this helps somewhat.

Schogun19 Dec 2020 5:30 a.m. PST

After re-scaling, my advice is to run a B&W test print first before printing in color and on cardstock. Your paint/graphics software may re-scale inaccurately and your printer may change the size to fit the paper or adjust for print margins.

Then measure the print-out to confirm the dimensions match 1/72 scale.

michaelk177624 Dec 2020 8:54 a.m. PST

One other point I would like to make is that many downloads don't specify a scale, making it hard to calculate any conversion. I these cases, I do a Google search of DOOR height for that era. If for example, I am doing 1/60 scale, than 1 foot equals 5mm (approz.), if my door height for the era is 6 1/2 feet, that would translate to approximately 33mm that the door would need to be. If a door on the downloaded building measures 16mm, then I know that I need to double the size when printing. Conversely, if the door height on the download is 50mm, then I need to print the building at 66% the original downloaded size. By doing this, and doing a little research, all of your buildings will look appropriate to their period. Another example, the current building size of a door is 6'8" or 80 inches (2032mm). If I am building in 1/60 scale, then any door should be 1 3/8" or 34mm. If I expand or contract my drawing so that the doors are at my correct calculated height, then the rest of the building will be scaled correctly.

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