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"Italeri 1/72 American infantry painted." Topic

14 Posts

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2,819 hits since 8 Dec 2020
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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blacksmith08 Dec 2020 1:21 p.m. PST

I've just finished a second group of infantry from the same box:






Legionarius08 Dec 2020 1:46 p.m. PST


Frederick Supporting Member of TMP08 Dec 2020 2:01 p.m. PST

Great work – thanks for sharing

TXWargamer Supporting Member of TMP08 Dec 2020 2:48 p.m. PST

Nice work! I really think 1/72 is under appreciated.

Grelber08 Dec 2020 3:21 p.m. PST

Great job of painting. Like TXWargamer, I think 1/72nd scale figures don't get the credit they deserve.


Oberlindes Sol LIC Supporting Member of TMP08 Dec 2020 9:22 p.m. PST

Well done! I agree that 1/72 is under appreciated and under used. The miniatures are usually highly realistic and properly proportioned, not to mention inexpensive. Also, there are plenty of 1/72 vehicles for them.

forrester09 Dec 2020 12:14 a.m. PST

Im not normally a fan of plastics, but I painted these figures too and they are exceptional.

Hornswoggler09 Dec 2020 3:48 a.m. PST

Very nicely painted.

These are some extremely well sculpted figures but as a dyed in the wool plasticophile I was unfortunately not able to use them due to their immense size – at Average Height 25.5 mm (PSR methodology) they are far too big next to nearly all of the "1/72" plastic figures already in my collection.

Bunkermeister Supporting Member of TMP09 Dec 2020 10:41 a.m. PST

They are on the tall side, but I use them anyway. They seem to be attired in North African era uniforms and equipment, so that sets them apart from many others, like the Revell who seem to be wearing Battle of the Bulge clothing.

My favorite is the tanker with .45 pistol. Great figure. I have also done a few head swaps with that guy to make a few more tankers.

Excellent job painting and basing these guys.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blog

blacksmith10 Dec 2020 12:02 p.m. PST

Mike I also think the tanker is a nice addition to the box and I'm also going to steal your idea of head swapping to get more tank crew.

I use 10mm for ancient and fantasy big battles, 15 mm for sci-fi and 28mm for fantasy skirmishes, but 1/72 is the best scale for WWII IMHO.

Thanks to all for your kind words.

Dan in Vermont11 Dec 2020 8:47 a.m. PST

great! did you do a black wash after the initial base colors were put on? what paints did you use?

blacksmith18 Dec 2020 12:35 p.m. PST

I washed them with acrylic betumen of Judea (helmets with Nuln oil) and I used Vallejo paints.

robertcrary27 Sep 2024 3:14 a.m. PST

@ slope game: Great work! I really like 1/72 scale figures. They are usually highly realistic. I try painting these figures

margot1906 Mar 2025 8:03 a.m. PST

Developed with minimalist yet impressive 3D graphics, Slope brings thrill and tension in every moment.

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